Page 48 of Playboy Boss
“Konrad?” She appeared concerned and drew closer to him. Her high heels tapped lightly against the tiles. “Are you okay?”
“No.” He was surprised by his answer.
Her warm fingers wrapped around his bicep. “Why?”
He met her wide eyes, taking in her beautiful face centimeter by centimeter. The makeup had worn off and she was more beautiful than ever. “You have no idea what you do to me, Scottine. No idea how much I’ve had to control myself being so close. I have no idea how my goddamn penis hasn’t torn through my trousers the whole time we’ve been in here.”
She gasped, removing her fingers from him. “But you said—”
He scrubbed his hair with one hand. “I know what I said. And I still say it.”
“And I still agree,” she quickly added.
But he didn’t still say it. And he knew she didn’t still agree.
“It’s late,” he said. “We should call all this to a halt and start up early on Monday morning.”
“O-okay.” Her footsteps sounded again as she gathered her things from the round table.
Konrad walked over to his desk, a gargantuan sigh escaping him. His emotions roiled inside him. He’d need to drink the whole bottle of Mortlach once she left.
“I’m leaving now.” Scottie approached him minutes later, her hands full and her face empty.
“Good night, then. Have a nice weekend.” The ache inside him grew.
She nodded and a slow-motion pivot followed as she went for the door.
Konrad never disregarded his decisions concerning women, but the urge to have her moved him to defy himself. He reached for her wrist before she turned away from him. Her arms flailed, dropping folders to the floor.
Without a word, he pulled her into him, their eyes fusing. Before he knew it, their lips slammed into a violent kiss that forced them both to their knees