Page 70 of Playboy Boss
The singing stopped. “Scottine?”
Still giggling, she could hardly get the question out. God, she’d never felt so happy. “How did you know?”
“I know everything, Schatzi,” he said with a laugh.
She opened the fogged glass door of the shower stall, complete with a built-in stone bench and eight shower heads. Her gaze moved to a screen mounted on the wall, water droplets gliding down it. Not many, though. It displayed the penthouse floor plan. “I see that!”
“Sharp, right?” He waggled his eyebrows. “No one’s catching me with my trousers down!”
She laughed again. “I guess not.”
His beautifully naked body gleamed with water caressing his skin. Shampoo suds fluttered off his hair like snow. “Join me, yes?”
The apex of her thighs throbbed in remembrance of all the positions he’d had her in. And hell yes, she wanted to be in more of them in that very obscene and spacious shower. “God, I want to.”
His eyes lit up. “Come on, then.”
Scottie bit her lip, looking at his thick, muscular body waiting for her to touch. “I have to go back home to get ready for the office.”
He frowned, hands back in his hair to corral the shampoo that had drifted down his forehead. “I told you to bring an overnight bag. Didn’t I?”
“I know.” Her gaze fell over his erection that had softened a bit but was still impressive. She swallowed heavily. At first, she wasn’t sure what to expect. There was still a part of her that questioned all of this being real. She’d been waiting for the other shoe to drop. “Next time.”
“Tonight.” It was a command. One that she’d obey.
“Yes, Lord Korr.” She giggled.
He went to her, his wet, soapy body soaking her as his lips came down on hers, his tongue slipping in her willing mouth.
“I’ll see you at the office.” It took every bit of her energy to separate from him.
Back at her duplex, Tara sat in the living room sipping from a coffee cup. She thumbed through a planner, randomly jotting notes every few seconds.
Scottie’s stomach rippled with anxiety. She’d never spent a night away from home. Tara would question her, and Scottie didn’t know what to say. Slowly, as if she might have a chance to go unnoticed, Scottie put one foot into the tiny hall leading to the bedrooms.
“You were at Konrad’s, weren’t you?”
Scottie stopped, knowing she’d never really had a chance in hell of succeeding.
Time to face the music. She had to come clean about everything. It was the only way, but she still wasn’t sure if she could. If she did, then it really would be real, and she would be doing the thing she swore she wouldn’t do: want to be with a playboy.
Scottie slung her purse on the back of the couch. “What do you mean?”
Tara’s eyebrows lifted. She didn’t seem impressed. In fact, she looked downright pissed. Offended too. “Scottie, don’t bullshit me.”
Scottie wished she would have taken an overnight bag, wished her damn insecurity hadn’t gotten the best of her. “I wouldn’t bullshit you.” What was so wrong in her decision to be with a man? Was she afraid, in being with Konrad, she’d be just like her mom? Oh God. Maybe… But, she knew it wasn’t true. She was not her mom. And Konrad was not her father.
Tara closed her datebook. With eyes steady and infiltrating, she stared at Scottie, probably reading her thoughts, as she did so many times. “Please don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not lying.” Just say the words. Scottie looked away. Konrad was right. She was a horrible liar.
“I saw you two on the yacht. You came out of one of the cabins together.” Tara forced Scottie to look at her, and shook her head disapprovingly. “You and your boss.Tell me I’m wrong.”
Scottie’s silence said it all.
“God, Scottie.” Tara let out an exasperated sigh. “What are you doing?”