Page 97 of Playboy Boss
“Now you want some privacy?” Her eyes blazed, challenging him.
“Jeff,” Konrad said again, stronger. He wasn’t asking. He was demanding. Jeff didn’t move though. “Get out, Jeff!”
With that final demand, Jeff leaped to the door, getting out of their way. The door snapped shut, and Konrad could see from his periphery that Susan and other employees were standing outside. Another crowd.
“You can’t come into my office demanding me, Scottie,” he said coolly, but his heart was melting. She had tears in her eyes.
“I know you sold the EaDo property to Bayou Sling.”
“So?” How much he wanted to go to her, to take her in his arms. Kiss her again. It had been too long since his lips had touched hers, but he could practically feel them as she stood there, watching her mouth.
“Why?” Her voice quivered, as did her lips.
He shrugged. “I had a change of heart.” Did you? He wanted to ask her but couldn’t. He didn’t want to know.
“So easy?” She choked on her question.
He choked on his answer. “No.”
“Then why?” She wasn’t going to let it go, and he just wanted her to leave. Her presence affected him too much. He couldn’t be rejected by her again.
He scrubbed his face. “I don’t see why this is important for you to know.”
“I see why. Tell me. Why did you sell the EaDo property to Bayou Sling?”
He lifted his clenched fists in exasperation. “Because you were right. Because it wasn’t about profit. It was about community, about building something long-term. About doing the right thing. Okay? Is that what you want me to admit?”
He couldn’t look at her anymore.
He dropped his gaze to the floor. “Why are you here, Scottie? It’s over, remember?”
The air grew thick, tense. He thought he’d suffocate if the silence lasted any longer.
“I’ve never understood love from a man, not from a young age. My dad didn’t want anything to do with me. I don’t know where he is. I never really knew. When I saw that hook-up list, I felt like I was my mother, and I always told myself I would never be like her. I would never let a man hurt me. Because that was my childhood. I couldn’t believe you because I was afraid of giving you my love and you destroying it because of who I thought you were. Maybe I destroyed myself instead. But you have to tell me, did you mean what you said in that text?”
“Scottie,” Konrad said on a sigh, his heart so full it weighed him down. “Stop this.”
Her tears fell then. “I love you, Konrad. And I came to see if you still love me. And I’m not afraid of your answer.”
“Jesus, Scottie,” he said, his voice gaining more strength.
“Just say it. Just tell me once and for all, so I can put this behind me.”
“Can’t you tell me?”
“Yes! I fucking love you, Scottine!” he yelled, his voice booming through his office. “You are the only woman I’ve ever felt love for. The only woman I’ve ever wanted to change for. But you can’t come here after everything and demand my heart. You can’t!”
“You mean the way you demanded mine?” Tears gushed from her eyes, wetting her t-shirt.
Slowly, and with more control than he had to give, he said, “Leave.”
She gasped, obviously stunned, as was he, by that word.
Scottie wiped her face, nodding. “Okay. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I disappointed you.” She turned toward the door, her steps slow.
Fuck. His heart burst inside him. He closed his eyes, every moment they shared coming in flashes. No, this wasn’t right. He opened his eyes, his whole body sparking with energy. With urgency, he moved to the door just before she pulled the door handle and spun her around. She gasped.