Page 14 of Cocky Tech God
“I’m going to break a rule.”
My eyes widened. “Are you?”
“Which one?” Charges of electricity ran through me.
In a flash of a moment, she cupped my face and pulled me down until our lips met. I was stunned at first. At first. The second her tongue touched mine, I got hard. Well, harder. And confident. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her in, lifting her against me. She moaned, and I could have lost it, but I stayed focused on our mouths feeding off each other in the most savage, desperate kiss I’d ever had.
This was two years in the making. Two years, and I was making sure it was going to stay with her long after. Because if this was the rule she was breaking, I wanted it to count.
Tongue and teeth and lips and saliva, we went for it with abandon. It was fucking messy. It was everything I imagined it would be. No… It was more. Way more.
Just as easily as our mouths meshed and moved together, she broke our contact. Lucia’s fingers lifted to her mouth and rubbed the remnants of our kiss.
I was breathing hard. And was even harder down south. “What are you doing?”
“Why did you stop?” I was so confused.
Lucia stepped back, her lips swelling from our kiss. “Because I’m done breaking the rules.”
The drive was primal. It was necessary. I couldn’t control what moved me, and before I could take a breath, I closed the space between us and planted my lips on hers again, desperate to recapture the heat from seconds before.
I slipped my tongue between her lips, licking the velvet depths of her mouth. Fuck, she tasted so good. I ached to go deeper still. Meeting me with the same tenacity, she entwined her tongue with mine. Together, we found a rhythm that made me groan deep.
She whimpered into my mouth. Her sounds, her smell, her taste drove me insane. Kissing wasn’t enough. I wanted more.
I pulled her against me. Her sweatpants shielded me from the intimacy of her skin, but didn’t stop me from sliding my hands up her back under her t-shirt. Squeezing my biceps in response, she bit my bottom lip with a greedy nip.
I spread my palm over her flat stomach, trailing up over her ribcage just where her breasts hung unrestrained. I cupped each perfect, small globe, grounding down over her pebbled nipples. She felt so good. And in the flare of passion moving through me, I pinched both tips with desperate need until she cried out.
“Hansen,” she rasped, pushing back from me.
“I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?” I struggled to get air in my lungs.
“No. You can’t hurt me.” She backed up, putting too much distance between us. Before I could take another breath, she was back at the bed, yanking up the top sheet off the mattress and tucked a pillow under her arm.
“What are you doing?” I asked, feeling as if the floor had dropped from under my feet.
I followed her into the sitting area where she threw the pillow and sheet on the floor between the tufted settee and coffee table.
I raked a hand over my face. “Are you sleeping on the floor?”
“No.” Finally, she met my gaze. A tiny smile was on her lips. “You are.”
Was she serious?
“We’ve broken too many rules.” She glanced at the makeshift bed. “And you’re a gentleman, right?”
Fuck. I wish I weren’t sometimes.
“Fine,” I said, my gaze on the floor. I’d let her win this time because she broke her rules with me, and I didn’t think she would this soon. “But I’m sleeping on the bed tomorrow.”