Page 31 of Cocky Tech God
We lay there, gasping for breath. Finding it eventually. She brushed my hair back from my sweaty forehead, her fingertips like wet velvet against my skin.
“Good news is you are as good as they say.”
I lifted on my elbows. “Umm, what?”
She looked at me, her smile emerging. “Come on, Hansen, you don’t get a reputation without people talking.”
“Great.” I fell back. My womanizer reputation was front and center in my face. Good news for me was Lucia appreciated it, not busted my chops for it. “I’m glad you approve. It would be a long week if you didn’t.”
“Oh, I approve.” She sat up then, pulling her knees into her. “There is one thing.”
Shit. What was this one thing? Hadn’t we had enough ‘things’ between us?
“And that would be?” I turned on my side to face her.
Her hand dropped to the bed. “We must have rules.”
Of course. Lucia and her rules. “More rules? Sweetheart, we threw all rules out the window as soon as that door shut.”
“Well, those rules, yes. Let me guess, you don’t like rules.” She smirked.
“Not if they’re someone else’s rules.”
“Not even mine?” she asked, her mouth partially open.
I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her lips, plump and blood red. “Not even yours, sweetheart.”
“Rules, or this proposition is null and void.”
“I don’t want null and void. And after the two orgasms I just gave you, I don’t think you want it either.” I pulled her to me, my lips meeting hers. My tongue slipped between her luscious, pillowed lips, tasting her. With my mouth hovering over hers, I said, “What are these rules you have in mind?”
“No one can know about us. And I just don’t mean here. After this week, we act like this did not happen.”
Fine. I could live with that. It would probably be better anyway. Once we left this island, we’d leave this fling behind too. “Obviously.”
“Good. So, no touching out there.” She pointed to the door.
“Not even a hug.”
“But in here, all bets are off.” She bit her lip.
“All bets are off?” My blood surged through my veins giving me life. “As in, I can do anything I want to you?”
“To a point,” she added quickly. “And I can do anything I want to you.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Be more specific about what I can do.” I knew what I’d wanted to do.
Her eyebrow lifted as if she’d read my thoughts. “What you do to me, I can do to you. How about that?”
Not exactly what I’d had in mind. “Okay, let’s just say anything is under consideration.”
She breathed in slow and deliberate. “Deal.”
Excitement flooded my system with all the possibilities and the realization that Lucia and I would have a week of unadulterated fun with no worries. No attachments. No expectations. No…nothing.
No nothing… Wait. I suddenly had a rule I needed to add to the mix.
“I have a rule of my own.”