Page 58 of Merciless Angel
Once Saturday rolled around, that had changed. They’d announced that we were all going to the party at the Gods’ house tonight. My stomach had twisted uncomfortably. I loved any chance to see Raina, although I didn’t love the idea of taking the Angels to her home. She’d assured me that it was fine when I asked.
Blaze pawed through my makeup bag on the counter, pulling out a bright pink lipstick. “Oh wow, you should wear this one. It’s almost blinding.”
I laughed, shaking my head at him. “You’d think you’ve never had a girlfriend before. Why is this so fascinating to you?”
“Does that mean you’re my girlfriend?” he teased with a wink.
“That’s not what I said.” Even though we’d all had a pretty good week, I hadn’t changed my mind. I still intended to go ahead with the plan Raina and I had formed.
“I’ve had a few over the years. Nothing serious. After my first girlfriend broke my heart by cheating on me with a close friend, I stuck to casual hookups only.” Blaze glanced up, meeting my eyes in the mirror. “That was a long time ago though.”
I tried to picture a sad, heartbroken Blaze. It wasn’t easy to conjure up.
“That’s rough. Relationships are hard. My first boyfriend was a cheater too. He slept with pretty much everyone. Total douche.” I found it easy to talk to Blaze when he was chill and relaxed. Too easy.
“Who is he? Want me to beat his ass?” Quirking a brow, Blaze poked me in the side.
“Don’t do that,” I laughed, narrowly avoiding a second poke. “That tickles. You’re going to make me mess up my makeup.”
“Well, we wouldn’t want that now, would we?” He snuck in one last poke between my ribs.
I whirled on him with my mascara wand held like a tiny weapon. “I said cut it out. I’m trying to get pretty here.”
“You don’t need anything to make you pretty, Dollface. You’re always gorgeous.” Blaze let me slash him with the mascara wand. He feigned a wounded expression, gaping at the smear of black on his forearm.
As we both broke into laughter, a twinge of guilt made my chest ache. The Angels weren’t good for me. Sure, they made the top of my head almost blow off with each orgasm, and they’d gone over and above to protect me, but they were becoming too embedded in my life. I needed to break ties while I still could.
That’s what I told myself as I applied the pink lipstick Blaze had chosen. The Angels were like junk food. Yeah it tasted damn good and made you want more. That didn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt you down the road. When it was too late to change anything. Maybe that wasn’t the right comparison. All I knew was that the longer I let this go on, the worse it would be for me.
Cash let out a low whistle when I descended the stairs. “Damn, Sunshine. You sure know how to brighten up a room. You bring light to our darkness. We needed that.”
I swallowed hard, trying not to be shaken by his comment. I glanced down at the fuchsia dress that clung to my body and forced a smile. “Thanks, Cash. That’s sweet of you to say.”
He pulled me in for a kiss that sent a flutter through my stomach. Although I’d never say so to him, I’d kind of liked it when he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder the day he drove me home from the lounge. It was such a bullheaded, caveman move. Liking it made me question my own mental state.
Daire strolled into the front entry as he emerged from the kitchen. Tucking a joint behind one ear, he wore faded jeans and a black t-shirt that showed off a glimpse of the crowned skull inked on his upper arm. The lightning bolt tattooed beneath the outer edge of one eye was still sexier than it had any right being.
What was happening to me? The closer I got to the moment I’d planned with Raina, the more my head tried to convince me to abandon my plan.
“Jesus, Angel. I almost need sunglasses to look at you.” Daire’s powerful green gaze slid over me. “That dress is pretty intense. Makes your tits look fucking amazing though.”
I rolled my eyes at his compliment. Not quite as sweet as Cash. It wasn’t in Daire’s nature.
We piled into Daire’s car. During the drive to Raina’s, I fussed with my hair, running my fingers nervously through it. Our plan was to lure the Angels into an ambush. I would tell them the Gods had a big drop tomorrow night. The Gods would be there waiting for them.
It felt like the right thing to do at the time. I’d been desperately needing a way out. The Gods would distract them while I took off with Raina. I would be free of them.
There were so many ways this plan may go wrong. I knew the risks I was taking. I couldn’t continue on this way. Being their toy. The body they used for their pleasure. Their obsession. It wasn’t right for any of us.
I listened to them make conversation as we drove. Cash hassled Daire about his driving skills while Daire colorfully explained the many violent ways he would hurt Cash if he didn’t shut up. Every now and then, Blaze would add a quip or remark that made the other two turn on him.
A pang of regret momentarily stole my breath. At what point during the rough sex and threats had I started to like these guys? Talk about Stockholm Syndrome. Even more reason to break ties now.
People spilled out of the house when we arrived. Eager to see Raina and have her calm my nerves, I beelined up the front walk. I dodged a drunk guy stumbling toward me and stepped over another guy sprawled on the ground. Some people really couldn’t hold their liquor.
“Don’t go too far, Little Unicorn,” Daire warned. “I want you close.”
“I’ll be with Raina. I’m sure you can cope with that.”