Page 6 of Merciless Angel
Wrapping my arm around Jimmy’s neck from behind, I choked him until he began to go limp. Once I let him breathe again, he was back to trying in vain to run. He landed an elbow in my gut, loosening my hold. He didn’t make it far before Cash tackled him to the ground.
Grabbing a tight handful of Jimmy’s hair, Cash slammed his face into the pavement. Blood began to spray. Jimmy began to blubber in a pitiful attempt to beg for mercy.
“Did your girlfriend beg too?” Daire taunted, twirling the knife between his fingers. “Did she beg you to stop while you beat her?”
Crouching down beside Jimmy, Daire lightly dragged the blade over his face. Then he jabbed the tip deep into Jimmy’s cheek. His scream was muffled by the heavy hand Cash clamped over his mouth.
I took advantage of having him on the ground by kicking him hard in the ribs. The resulting crack was music to my ears. A few more solid kicks had him curling up in a futile effort to protect himself.
Daire kept going with the knife, carving deep gashes into Jimmy’s face and arms. Each slice seemed to amp Daire up more. The three of us beat the hell out of the guy until he laid there motionless. He barely even screamed when Daire jammed the knife into his abdomen.
Blood pooled around the wound. Daire jerked the knife free and used Jimmy’s shirt to wipe down the blade. “I think we’re finished here. Think hard next time you’re tempted to hurt a pregnant woman. If we come for you again, we won’t stop until you’re dead.”
Although we preferred to make a point without leaving bodies in our wake, it had happened. The cleanup was hell. I rubbed my bruised knuckles, satisfied with the ache. Not satisfied enough though.
It didn’t keep Zane from entering my thoughts once again. Was that shove I’d witnessed the first time he laid hands on Clover? Had he done that before?
I needed to know. I needed to make sure that he could never hurt her again. If anyone was going to make that little beauty tremble and quake, it was going to be me.
Being stuck inside a stuffy classroom while the sun shone outside sucked. I had to remind myself that it beat the alternative. Getting some lame summer job and listening to my parents fight wasn’t the better choice. My older brother had moved out years ago. There was no one left at home to share the burden with.
Even though I was usually interested in the wild stories my Psych instructor shared, I found myself spacing out. I kept having flashbacks. Feeling Zane’s rough hands on me as he threw me to the ground. My ass still ached. I had to shift around on my seat every so often to stay comfortable.
He’d shown signs of a temper before. I’d seen him pick fights with guys in the bar. But he’d never been physically aggressive to me until that night. I knew how this went. Now that he’d hurt me once, he would hurt me again.
I’d ignored him since the incident. Zane had called endlessly and even come by my dorm room. I hadn’t answered.
It wasn’t only Zane that occupied my thoughts during the flashbacks. Blaze kept creeping into my mind, reminding me of how quick he’d been to go after Zane. I knew without a doubt that if I hadn’t begged him to stop, he’d have killed Zane. I saw it in his eyes. The deep desire to kill.
I caught myself wondering if Blaze was as bad as he seemed if he’d been so quick to come to my aid. With a wistful sigh, I shook myself out of it. He’d been there when Daire hurt Raina. I couldn’t forget that.
When class finally ended, I gathered my things, shoving them haphazardly into my bag. I slung it over my shoulder, eager to be done for the day. As I breezed from the room, happy to be free, I jerked to a halt outside the door.
Zane leaned against the opposite wall. He wore a hopeful expression and held a small bouquet of carnations and lilies. My stomach dropped.
“Can we talk?” he asked, stepping forward. “Please.”
He shoved the flowers toward me. I stared at them for a moment before shaking my head.
“I don’t want your flowers, Zane, or your excuses for what happened. Let’s just forget it, okay? Let’s forget everything.” Not wanting anyone in the hall to overhear, I started walking.
Zane fell into step beside me. “I’m sorry, Clover. I was drunk and stupid. That’s no excuse. I know that. I feel like an asshole. It will never happen again. I promise.”
Inside I cringed. This same promise had been made to many women by many abusive men. I only wished I’d seen the signs sooner. All I wanted was to be rid of Zane.
“I don’t want to hear it,” I said, keeping my tone calm and even. “I’m done, Zane. Okay? Please, leave me alone.”
His desperation was palpable. It rolled off him in waves that made my skin crawl.
“Have dinner with me,” he insisted. “I’ll buy. We’ll just talk. All I’m asking for is one dinner. One chance to make it up to you. Please.”
“I can’t. I have plans with Raina. Maybe another time.” The last thing I wanted was to lead him on, although I hoped that it would get him to go away.
Zane’s face fell. “Oh, okay then. I’ll see you later.”