Page 73 of Merciless Angel
Every time Cash tugged on the nipple clamp chain, pain shot through my pinched nipples and straight into my groin. The rise of an orgasm brought with it a sense of panic. My body jerked as I tried and failed to escape Daire’s persistent tongue.
“Don’t you fucking come, Clover,” he snarled. “I mean it. You’re going to choke on my cock. Unless that’s what you want. Maybe I need a harsher punishment.”
“No,” I begged. “Please, no.”
There was no denying the waves of pleasure that built inside me. I felt the climax coming. There was no stopping it. I fought hard, telling myself that it was nothing, that I wasn’t going to orgasm. Daire’s demanding tongue proved otherwise.
My orgasm exploded out on a scream that left me breathless. My legs were weak, refusing to hold me. I hung awkwardly from the chains.
When Daire rose and slid his knife from a pocket, adrenaline hit hard and fast. “I’ll try to make this fast. Consider it payback for the pepper spray.”
Without hesitation, he pressed the tip of the sharp blade against my skin beneath my breasts. I fought back a scream as he began to carve into my sensitive flesh. A few jerky motions of his hand and he was finished.
The wound burned as small drops of blood ran down my body. I glanced down to find his initials cut into me.
“Fucking psychotic asshole,” I muttered, wary of inviting more pain.
“Get her down,” Daire instructed as he slowly backed away.
My legs refused to hold me when Cash and Blaze removed the cuffs from my wrists. I sagged between them, trying to get my footing. My ass burned, my pussy throbbed, and my shoulders ached. Not to mention the fresh bleeding wound. And yet, I wanted more.
Daire raised a hand, beckoning me with a finger. “On your knees, Clover. Crawl to me.”
He stood on the other side of the room near the couch, watching me with predatory delight. Blaze and Cash lowered me to the floor, leaving me on my hands and knees.
My initial reaction was to resist Daire’s command. It was a humiliation tactic meant to put me in my place. I knew that I should tell him off instead. Part of me wanted to obey. To please him. That was humiliation enough.
Being claimed by the Angels had taught me a lot about myself. I’d never have guessed that being their toy would turn me on. I expected to feel ashamed. Instead, I felt excited and a little pissed off about the cut on my torso.
Daire snapped his fingers, growing impatient with my hesitance. I launched into motion. Crawling across the carpet toward him, I watched the gleam in his green eyes grow.
As I drew closer, Daire began to undo his belt and pants. Pulling out his cock, he lazily stroked a hand along the shaft.
“That’s a good girl,” he murmured.
When I reached him, I sat back on my feet, peering up at him. Tightly gripping my jaw, he leaned down to press his lips to mine in a dirty, messy kiss. As he pulled back, he slid two fingers into my mouth, pumping them in and out.
“Open wide, beautiful.” Without waiting, Daire replaced his fingers with his cock, shoving it down my throat in one rough thrust.
I did my best to breathe through my nose and not panic as he aggressively fucked my mouth. When someone’s hand slid into my hair to hold my head in place, it took a moment to realize it was Blaze.
There was no getting away. Held between them, I took Daire’s cock deep in my throat. He’d meant what he said about using it to choke me. He made sure to make me gag several times, pausing to let me breathe briefly before plunging deep again.
My eyes began to water, spilling tears down my cheeks. Daire swiped a thumb through them. Bringing it to his mouth, he licked my tears from his thumb as he watched me struggle for breath. A few more thrusts and he released a hot spurt of cum down my throat. I did my best to swallow, almost choking on it.
“Every drop, Angel. That’s right.” Daire caressed my cheek, wiping the rest of my tears away. Shoving his cock back into his pants, he knelt down in front of me. “You did so good. I almost wish we’d pushed you harder. Next time for sure. I still have so much planned for you. Let’s get you upstairs and take care of you, hmm?”
Blaze removed the clamps abusing my nipples before scooping me into his arms. I wasn’t sure what to expect but it wasn’t for him to take me to the bathroom on the top floor where he ran me a bubble bath. When Cash brought me some water with a spritz of lemon, I eyed them both suspiciously.
“Stop looking at me like that,” Blaze laughed. “Is that enough bubbles?”
He motioned to the mountain of bubbles atop the water. I still felt a little out of it from what I’d just endured. High almost.
I sank down into the bubbles, having to slap them away from my face when they nearly went over my head. My knife wound and sore ass stung from the water’s touch. “Pretty sure that’s more than enough bubbles.”
Daire stuck his head into the bathroom. “I’m going to do a liquor and weed run. Do we need anything else?”
“I’ll go,” Blaze said, jerking a thumb toward me. “You stay and take care of our girl.”