Page 19 of Sinful Affair
Things had ramped up with Henry, and by now, we were having a full-blown affair. He told me the morning after I got blind drunk that he was going to serve Clarissa with divorce papers, but I told him not to.
Things would get nasty and selfishly, I didn’t want things to differ between us.
Walking into the office, I placed her coffee on her desk along with her bagel and escaped unscathed. She was preoccupied and honestly, it suited me.
I saw the girls last night and we were on our next book. Enemies-to-lovers, fire fighter romance and it was everything. I even had Henry read a scene to re-enact on me and it was one of the hottest nights of my life.
I small smile passes my lips as I think back to it and I am already needy for him again. Slipping my phone out of my bag, I type a quick message.
God, I miss your cock. Promise you’ll see me tonight? My pussy is aching just thinking about you.
I giggle as soon as I see him typing
Fuck baby, you got me hard at work. Don’t you worry, I’ll see you soon to fill your little cunt full of me xo.
My cheeks pinch as I lock my phone and I jump when I see Clarissa approaching.
“Bella,” my name drips off her tongue.
“May I see you a moment?” she plasters the fakest smile I have ever seen on her lips before turning and walking into her office.
Shit, did she see the message?
She wouldn’t know who it was from because I have him coded, but still… fuck.
Nausea swims in my stomach, making it churn. Swallowing down the bile, I push up and walk into her office, head held high.
“Shut the door,” she nods from behind her desk, and I do as she asks.
Walking towards her, her lid is off her black americano and the smell fills my nose and makes the sickly feeling wash over me with force.
“I’m looking to make cutbacks; the CEO, my husband…” her eyes narrow on mine, “has asked me to get rid of the under performers.”
I nod, swallowing, willing for the sick lump that is sitting in my throat to go away.
“And well, honestly, of late…”
My eyes begin to water.
“Oh, honestly Bella, turning on the water works,” she rolls her eyes as another waft of her rancid coffee hits me and I’m going to throw up.
I reach for her bin and empty the contents of my stomach, eyes streaming, throat burning, and this could not have happened at a worse time.
“Oh my god,” she screeches, pushing from her desk as she looks down at me in pure disgust. “Tom!” she screams through her intercom, and he comes rushing in. “Please get Bella here some tissues… and take this disgusting bin away from me,” she turns abruptly, and Tom looks at me giving me a sympathetic look when he sees my watering eyes. “Now!” she snaps and Tom scurries out.
I close my eyes for a moment, running my clammy palms down my black mini skirt. Inhaling deeply through my nose and exhaling out my mouth I let my erratic heart calm down. I knew I shouldn’t have eaten my left over take out.
Damn it.
Tom returns with tissues and a glass of water, as well as a clean bin.