Page 40 of Hate To Love You
I hurriedly get dressed in the locker room after all the celebration, not bothering to shower right now. I need to find Gwen.
The guys talk about the game and how some guy tackled Ty Manning a bit too hard for absolutely no reason. Honestly, he probably deserved it.
“Dude was out of line,” I hear one of the guys say. Some huff in agreement, while I roll my eyes. Pat, Holland, and Mason meet me at my locker as I shove everything in and slam it shut.
“He’s gonna fucking pay for that,” Manning threatens. This guy thinks he’s a lot tougher than he actually is. Since I can’t help myself, and I’m a dick, I laugh. Ty’s head whips around to me, glaring.
“What’s funny, Steele?” he asks. I shake my head, letting out another guffaw.
“Nothing, just that you think you’ll be able to fight a guy twice your size,” I shrug. Pat, Holland, and Mason chuckle at my sides.
Manning moves closer to me, almost in my face as he grimaces, his face red.
“Do you want to test it?” God, yes. What I wouldn’t give to punch Manning in the face, but I have more important things to worry about right now.
“You know what? Yeah, I’d actually really love to put you on your ass, but I have shit to do,” I say, my face falling into a stern scowl. I get in his face, looking him directly in the eye. “If you so much as get within ten feet of Groverland, I’ll know about it. You won’t be the reason our team goes down.”
Ty backs away slowly, watching my face as he walks back to his spot next to his cronies.
Pat stands straight before pinning Ty with a threatening stare.
“I’ll have your ass kicked off this team faster than you can say Dodgers, got me?” Ty nods slowly. “Good.”
With that, all four of us walk out of the dank locker room and toward the stands. I’m still fuming about seeing Gwen with that prick Davis. My fists clench at my sides as I attempt to tamp down the rage burning inside me.
The stands are still emptying as students and faculty make their way to the parking lot. The clouds in the sky have opened up letting cold rain drops fall and land on my burning skin.
“Dude, you good?” Pat asks, grabbing my arm and stopping me in my tracks. I growl and rip my arm away.
“I’m fine. I just… I have to find Gwen.”
Holland’s eyebrows shoot up in question. “Why? Doesn’t she hate you?” My eyes narrow in his direction.
“I saw her in the stands. That stupid dickhead Ashton Davis had his hands on her. She didn’t want it. I could see it on her face, she was uncomfortable,” I seethe. These guys have always been there for me. They’ve understood all the ups and downs with my father, with Logan, everything. I know they’ll understand this.
Pat nods. “Got it, okay. So, we’re going to kick his ass?”
“Yeah, let’s kick his ass!” Mason chimes in. I shoot him a warning glare and he steps back.
“We will. But first, I need to make sure Gwen’s okay,” I say, looking around the packed parking lot to find the tiny brunette in question.
I don’t understand the feelings I’m having right now. I’ve never been more frustrated and confused. This girl has made me crazy; she’s made me question myself and question the things I do. She’s infuriating and obstinate. She’s tough and she knows what she wants.
I’m weak. I can’t stand up to my own father, I have no idea what I want, and worst of all, I’m jealous over a girl I find absolutely exasperating.
I’m honestly surprised she even came to the game at all. But Ellie wanted to come for Ty, and lord knows that made Holland livid.
According to Ellie, Lainey wanted to come because she couldn’t stand sitting at home doing nothing, so Gwen was dragged along. I’m sure she put up a good fight though. There’s no way they got her here without push back.
From what I could see from the field, Gwen looked good. Her long hair was pulled back in a braid, her giant coat a bit overkill for the chilly weather, but it’ll come in handy once December comes around.
As the parking lot chaos dwindles down, a pink puffy coat catches my eye, and I automatically know it’s Lainey. I head off in her direction, the guys trailing behind me.
“Where’s Gwen?” I ask, trying not to sound too rattled. She’s not your girlfriend Ryker, remember? She doesn’t even like you. I shake off the annoying thoughts, even though they couldn’t be truer.
Lainey eyes me curiously. “Hello to you too. She’s with Ellie in the bathroom. Why?” she places her tiny hands on her hips.
Lainey is tall, taller than Gwen and Ellie. She must be five ten. She has the look of a supermodel and the attitude of a cat. Sweet when she wants to be but will scratch if provoked.