Page 29 of Vale of Dreams
“The banquet is over,” he says. “I should make an appearance. And you can’t be seen here. If any other guards find you in the palace right now, there are bound to be questions. We need to make you look as harmless as possible. Return home. I’ll go on another hunting trip to Lauron within a few days. There, we will meet by accident and fall madly in love by your pig farm.”
Return home.
I exhale with relief. I can’t believe my luck. He’s letting me go? I nod. “Fine.”
He arches a dark eyebrow. “I can see your mind running. Wondering how you should handle this. So, let me clarify. There’s only one way. My way. If you think you can disappear, I’ll remind you who I am. I’m Prince Talan de Morgan, the Dream Stalker, the man who tortures people for fun. I can find any soul in Brocéliande when they close their eyes. And unless you intend to remain eternally awake, I will always find you. Don’t make me chase you, Nia. You won’t enjoy what I’ll do when I find you.”
Lucky for me, I don’t live in Brocéliande. As soon as I’m out of his sight, I’m leaving through the portal, back to Avalon.
Shadows slide through his eyes. “Remember that I know your secret. You’re right about one thing. A villager with mind control powers? King Auberon would view it as a threat. We all would,” he says, his voice darkly melodic.
“I understand. I’ll be waiting for you in Lauron.”
He gestures at the stairwell. “That’s where you were going, wasn’t it?”
“Good. I assume you won’t have any problem leaving the same way. You seem capable enough. I will see you soon.”
Like fuck you will. “I’ll be waiting.”
I step into the cold stairwell, my heart still thrumming in my chest. I cannot believe how perfectly that worked out. I break into a run down the stairs, fleeing toward freedom.
Irun across the fortress’s courtyard, my feet flying over the snowy grass and my heart in my throat. I can’t believe that I’m alive, that I’m out of his sight. I can still see Cadoc’s tormented face in my mind as Talan’s magic overpowered him and hear Talan’s cold, distant voice murmuring, He’s dreaming of pain.
I don’t slow as I near the portal, the misshapen rocks jutting from the earth. As I sprint closer, I summon my magic. Energy crackles down my arms and fingers, and I send tendrils of my Sentinel power ahead of me. Just as I reach the rocks, they shimmer, and a dark portal yawns open between them. I fling myself into it, falling through the air.
Pain jolts through my limbs as I land hard on my hands and knees. I glance up to see Avalon’s dolmens all around me. I’m back in Mordred’s home again. Here, the air smells rich and musky, like rain-soaked moss. The moon bathes the standing stones in haunting light. Silver light. I never thought I’d love simple, pale moonlight so much.
I cough, gasping for breath. I’m wheezing hard, my asthma returning with a vengeance. I pull out my inhaler, puffing twice, drawing the albuterol into my lungs. Coughs rack my body as I breathe out.
“Well,” Mordred’s low voice says behind me, “that was exciting. Sorry about your sweetling breaking your heart after all you went through to save him.”
I’m still coughing. My skull is throbbing, a dizzying headache building.
Mordred circles around me and kneels, staring intently at my face. “I told you to avoid the Dream Stalker, and what do you do? You agree to be his lover instead. Just a few minutes after Raphael ended things, you’ve already seduced a prince. Impressive, in a way.”
“Is that what you think seduction looks like? You really have been alone a long time.” Apparently, the silver moth worked. Mordred was able to see and hear everything that happened to me.
“Well, by choice or not, you’ve fallen into a unique opportunity.”
The cold earth nips at my hands, freezing my fingers. Once I’ve caught my breath, I push myself up. “A unique opportunity to pretend to be a glorified whore of a murderous tyrant? I’ll pass.”
“No, I don’t think you will.” He straightens. “What are you pouting about, wench? I thought you wanted to take down their wretched empire. What better way to do it than getting close to the prince? You share his bed, and you learn every one of their secrets. It’s a golden opportunity.”
Slowly, I stand. “The man just threatened to torture me, and you think I should run back into his arms? You’re failing at parenting so far.” Though frankly, he’s not necessarily my worst parent.
“You’re a spy, aren’t you?” he hisses. “I thought spies were good at spotting assets. You’re in a position to use Auberon’s own son against him. And anyway, I didn’t see him actually hurt you.”
Not with his hands, I suppose. “His magic hurt when he severed my control over that guard. Now I can’t use my telepathy. It causes too much pain.”
He shrugs. “Those who play with fire often get hurt. You might find that extremely painful from now on, but it will still work. And anyway, any granddaughter of Queen Morgan doesn’t shrink from a little pain.”
“Look, Auberon’s son wants to destroy humanity. He wants to kill the demi-Fey, too. You know, demi-Fey like me?”
“So, don’t go along with his plan. Use him, manipulate him, and when the time comes, kill him. You’re in a position to stop him.”