Page 14 of Iron Rogues: Vol 1
I tore my gaze away from Molly to meet Whiskey’s light brown eyes as he walked toward us with a scowl on his face—basically his permanent expression. Whiskey was our sergeant at arms, managed Iron Inkworks, and was an unbelievably talented artist. He wore his cut with a white T-shirt underneath that showcased his full sleeves on each arm, going all the way down to his fingers. His neck was also covered in ink, a design very similar to mine. We’d served in the military together, and the tats had meaning only to us.
“Whiskey,” I said with a lift of my chin. “This is my woman, Molly.”
Whiskey’s brows rose, and his eyes dropped to my girl, then back up to me. “Yours?”
“Mine,” I confirmed, tucking her into my side. “Know you’re always looking for good talent. So I brought her to meet you.”
“I am,” he drawled, scratching the dark scruff on his chin. “How much experience does she have?”
“She is right here and can speak for herself,” Molly snapped.
Whiskey wasn’t trying to be an asshole just for the sake of being one. He was taking stock of her strength and thick skin. He wasn’t aware of her background and wanted to make sure she could hold her own around a bunch of bikers.
I grinned but didn’t say anything because she could run circles around him if she wanted to.
“Well?” he grouched when she didn’t continue. “I don’t have all fucking day.”
Molly blinked and replied in a too sweet voice, “I’m sorry, did you ask me a question?”
One corner of Whiskey’s mouth twitched—the most I’d ever seen him smile. “Experience?”
She popped a hip out and put her hand on it, looking up at him with a haughty expression. I wasn’t sure what it said about me that I found it so damn hot. Then again, everything Molly did make me want to drag her to the nearest flat surface and fuck her.
“Why don’t I just show you my portfolio?” She held out her arm and flipped it up to show off an intricately colored butterfly on her forearm. Then she bent over and shoved up her pant leg to reveal another design that was more incredible than the first. After that, she grabbed the hem of her shirt and started to raise it.
Before she could show more than a glimpse of her skin, I growled and put my arms around her from behind, yanking the sides of my vest closed. “That’s enough proof,” I muttered. “Molly is incredible, and you’d be lucky as fuck to have her working here.”
Whiskey rolled his eyes and motioned for us to follow, then turned and headed back into the shop, stopping when he reached the first empty station. “I agree that you’re very talented,” he grumbled to Molly as he crossed his large arms over his broad chest.
My lips tipped up again when Molly didn’t even glance at him before prowling around the small area and inspecting everything.
He watched her with a critical eye, observing how she handled the equipment and gauging her familiarity with it. “We have a new client in ten minutes. You can do his ink. Show me what you’ve got.”
I frowned at my brother, my eyes arrowed in warning. “No.”
Molly whirled around and glared at me. “What do you mean, no? We agreed?—”
“I agreed to let you work here,” I stated firmly.
Whiskey grunted. “Relax, Mav. The tat is on his fucking shoulder.”
It was on the tip of my tongue to argue, but Molly’s stance deflated a little, and I knew I’d have to give in. As much as I hated her being so close to other men—especially when they weren’t someone I knew I could trust—I wanted her to be happy. “Fine,” I gritted through clenched teeth. Her beaming smile made it worth it, but I still had conditions. “I’m not going to pretend the thought of you being so close to other men doesn’t make me want to fucking kill someone, but as long as no clothes need to be removed, I’ll keep my finger off my trigger.”
Molly cocked her head to the side and studied me for a moment, and then she sighed. “Deal.”
I reached out and captured her wrist, tugging her into my body, then put one hand on her hip and the other cradling the back of her head. “If I see one asshole trying to touch what’s mine…” I growled.
“I’ll break their wrist,” she informed me haughtily.
Laughter burst from my chest before I sealed my mouth over hers. Fuck, I loved this woman. Feisty and sweet all rolled into one.
My tongue slipped into her mouth, and the hand on her hip slid down to her ass. Molly moaned and melted into my arms, giving as good as she got. I deepened the kiss, determined to make sure she wouldn’t forget who the fuck she belonged to while I was out doing shit.
I was seconds away from dragging her to the nearest room with a door when the clearing of a throat broke through our passionate haze.
“Take it back to your room, Mav,” Whiskey grunted. “Actually, let her breathe and move your ass because her client will be here any minute.”