Page 49 of Iron Rogues: Vol 1
Cordell shrank into himself as the truth of his situation hit him. “I didn’t mean for her to get hurt,” he whined like a little bitch.
His eyes darted to the left, indicating he was lying, which added to my rage.
Stepping close, I rammed my fist into his jaw so hard it snapped his head back and rocked the chair. “You mean you didn’t give a fuck if anyone else was hurt when you tried to kill me,” I growled. “Lying to me isn’t the smart play here.”
“The truth won’t save me.”
“No,” I agreed as I slipped on the brass knuckles. “You’re gonna die for hurting my woman, but honesty might save you a little pain.”
“Fine. I knew she’d probably be with you, but I figured if you were dead, you wouldn’t care that she’d been killed too.”
My next hit broke his nose, sending blood spurting out.
“I lied,” I told him as I slipped into a side of me that felt little to no emotion, making me a deadly foe. “This is gonna hurt.”
“Damn, Prez,” Storm said with a low whistle. “And they call me bloodthirsty.”
I rolled my eyes as I strode to a little kitchenette and started washing the blood off my hands.
“Brutal,” Blade agreed. “Gotta say, though, Dahlia is your weakness now. You’re always gonna have to be on your guard for people who’ll try to get to you through her.”
“You think I haven’t already considered that? Dahlia deserves a fuck of a lot more than a man like me, but I’m just enough of a bastard not to care.”
“Don’t think I could give up my control like that,” Storm mused as he cleaned the instruments I’d used to inflict hours of pain on the man who’d almost taken away the person who mattered most to me.
“When the right woman comes along, you won’t care,” I stated.
Blade scoffed. “Bullshit. The last thing I need is an old lady to deal with.”
Storm muttered an agreement, and I just shook my head at their stupidity. It was almost funny that they thought they’d have a choice in the matter. I certainly hadn’t. The second I saw Dahlia, I’d known there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to have her. She owned me from that moment on.
“Dispose of the body,” I instructed as I dried my hands. “I need to get back to Dahlia.” There was some other blood spatter on me, but I’d wanted to at least have clean hands for the ride home.
“Got it,” Storm murmured.
I gave them a sharp lift of my chin in farewell, then walked out while they started talking about an upcoming car race that one of our enforcers—aptly named Racer—was driving in.
Once I arrived back at the clubhouse, I went to my office, where I had an extra change of clothes and used the attached bathroom to take a quick shower.
Before I could leave to head upstairs, a couple of prospects stopped in to report on an issue I’d had them taking care of. I schooled my patience and listened to their update, then walked swiftly toward the stairs. At least two other people stopped me, and as their president, I told myself I couldn’t blow them off. However, when I shook off the last one, I dashed up the stairs and down the hall to my room.
Since I wasn’t sure if Dahlia was awake yet, I entered as quietly as possible. Maverick was stretched out on the couch with a sleeping Molly curled into his side.
He lifted his chin in greeting and darted his eyes toward the bedroom before mouthing, “Asleep.”
I nodded and silently entered the bedroom, then shut the door behind me. The blinds were closed, but it was late morning, so the room was still somewhat illuminated. Dahlia was on my side of the bed, curled around my pillow, her chest rising and falling in a slow, steady rhythm.
Without taking my eyes off her, I shed my clothing and climbed onto the mattress. Dahlia stirred as I pulled her into my arms and glanced down to see her sleepily blinking up at me.
“You got him?” she asked softly.
“Yeah, baby. He won’t be a problem anymore.”
She knew I wouldn’t say anything else, and I waited for her to show some amount of annoyance over it. But she just smiled sweetly and snuggled deeper into my embrace.
I fucking loved everything about this woman, and when she healed, I was gonna drag her ass to the nearest courthouse and make her mine in every way.
The only question I wasn’t sure how to answer was whether to talk to her father about us before or after she wore my ring. If I thought I could drag it out until I knew if she was pregnant, I’d definitely choose after. Because a marriage couldn’t be annulled if the couple was expecting a baby.