Page 52 of Iron Rogues: Vol 1
“Are you ready for your first present?”
She grinned and wrapped her legs around my waist. “If it involves an orgasm, then absolutely.”
I chuckled and ran my hand down over her breast and the swell of her stomach to cup her pussy. “That’s present number two.”
“I beg to differ,” she moaned, raising her hips to press my hand tighter against her center.
Grinning, I took my hand from between her legs and tweaked one of her nipple rings. “I love how fucking horny you are when you’re pregnant, but I promise, it’ll be worth the wait.”
She pouted but didn’t protest when I pushed myself up and twisted so she could see the back of my left shoulder. There had been an empty patch of skin there, but it was now etched with ink. I’d had Molly create a design based around a dahlia, with her name intertwined, but leaving plenty of room to add our kids' names. Molly completed it last night so I wouldn’t have to hide it from Dahlia.
Maverick hadn’t been happy to give her up or that I was keeping her up late when she was in her third trimester, but Molly was so excited about it that she convinced him to back off. Although he’d spent the entire time brooding in the corner of her station at Iron Inkworks.
She gasped. “Is that…?”
I glanced down to see her swallowing hard and tears welling up in her eyes.
“No tears,” I grunted. I hated it when she cried.
“Then don't do sweet shit to make me swoon!” she snapped. Her mood swings had worsened now that she was almost seven months pregnant. I thought it was cute but didn’t tell her because it just pissed her off.
“Do you like it?”
“It’s…I love seeing my brand on you.” Her tone was thick with desire, and her pussy glistened with arousal. I faced her again, but instead of stretching out over her, I moved down to lay between her thighs.
“It’s time for your second present,” I growled before I ate her for breakfast, then gave her a screaming orgasm with my cock buried deep into her pussy.
My girl was loud as fuck in bed, and I loved hearing her, so I’d been relieved when we moved into a house I’d built on the compound, a short walk from the clubhouse. I didn’t have to keep her quiet anymore, and since she couldn’t get enough of my cock these days, I got to hear every little moan and shout of ecstasy.
“I’d say that was a gift for us both,” Dahlia teased as she softly glided her hands up and down my back.
“Then I guess we don’t need to exchange any other presents.”
She frowned and smacked my shoulder. “Not funny.”
It cracked me up that she was so giddy about Christmas, which was the only reason I let her talk me into hosting a party at the clubhouse on Christmas Day.
“Come on, baby. We need to get shit ready for the shindig today. And I have a pile of shiny presents waiting under our tree.” I meant that literally since I’d cajoled Molly into wrapping Dahlia’s presents so they looked pretty and festive. They sure as hell wouldn't have looked good if I’d attempted to do it myself.
After opening our gifts, we showered—which took a lot longer since I fucked her against the wall under the hot spray—and dressed before walking over to the clubhouse.
Tank’s old lady and some of the prospects' girlfriends bustled around the kitchen, working on the food. Dahlia offered to help, but before I could tell her no, Sheila tsked and shooed her away.
“Go relax and put your feet up.”
I jerked my chin at Sheila, silently thanking her, and she beamed back at me. She’d been ecstatic to learn she wasn’t the only old lady around anymore. Tank was ten years older than me and had prospected when my dad was president. He and Sheila had been together since high school and married shortly after. For a while, there had been several other old ladies, but the old-timers who had wives or girlfriends had been phasing out of the life, retiring and moving to Florida and shit like that.
Sheila owned a small shop in town that sold wedding and formal dresses, so she’d been more than happy to put her sewing skills to use by making Molly’s and Dahlia’s property vests. She was also a fantastic cook.
“I’ll bring you a little snack in a few minutes,” she told Dahlia with a wink. My woman’s eyes lit up, and I smiled as I led her out to the common room and settled her on the couch with a blanket and her e-reader.
A few minutes later, Maverick came down from his room and talked his pregnant old lady into joining mine.
“How’s it going with the plans for the new house?” I asked as we watched our wives whisper to each other and giggle. Maverick had surprised Molly by buying an empty lot in Iron Rogues territory a couple of months ago, and their home was currently being built.
“Molly is having fun picking everything out. I’m just anxious for it to be done and for us to have our own space.”
“I get it.” My home had been done before his because I was the president, so it had been prioritized.