Page 8 of Iron Rogues: Vol 1
When a delicious scent hit my nose, I wasn’t surprised to find a group of guys lined up at one of the long tables since the Silver Saints hung out in the kitchen whenever there was food that someone else had cooked available. The only one I recognized was Fox, who was seated at the head of the table. He was also the only man who didn’t look surprised to see me at Maverick’s side.
The guy next to Fox got to his feet and shook his head. I recognized the road name on his cut, Blade. He was the Iron Rogues doctor like Patch was for the Silver Saints.
“Shit, Maverick.” He grabbed his empty plate off the table and walked it over to the sink. “Thought Pike was fucking around when he said you brought a woman to the clubhouse.”
“Never a damn joke when our VP kidnaps a woman who belongs to the Silver Saints,” Fox grumbled before digging into the spaghetti piled on the plate in front of him.
Several heads jerked back, eyes going wide with shock. The man who’d been sitting on the other side of Blade heaved a deep sigh. The patches on his cut let me know he was the Iron Rogues Treasurer, Phoenix. “Shit, man. I do my best to fill our coffers till they’re overflowing, but we could have all the money in the world, and it wouldn’t do us a damn bit of good if you piss off the Silver Saints by taking another one of their old ladies.”
“Do you see a property patch on me?” I asked, pointing at my tank. “I’m nobody’s old lady.”
“Holy fuck. She’s one of Mac’s daughters, isn’t she?” the guy at the far end of the table groaned. “That’s even worse. He does not play when it comes to his girls. Not even a fucking tiny bit.”
“Calm your tits, Viper.” Maverick guided me over to where a pot of sauce, a bowl of thin spaghetti noodles, and a platter of garlic bread were lined up next to a stack of plates. “There’s not gonna be any blowback against the club. Molly is here of her own free will.”
Viper shook his head. “As if that’s gonna be good enough for the Silver Saints prez.”
Scooping some pasta onto a plate, I winked at Maverick and added, “I’m not sure that I’d call it my own free will when you carried me out over your shoulder.”
“We both know you wouldn’t have ridden all the way here if you weren’t more than okay with me taking you,” Maverick chided as he spooned sauce over my noodles. Then he dropped a piece of garlic bread next to it before making his own plate.
Once that was done, he led me to the side of the table where none of his club brothers sat. After he settled me into a seat the farthest away from them, he sat down and wrapped his arm around the back of my chair.
I was lifting my fork to my mouth when I noticed Fox was focused on me. When our gazes met, he asked, “Is Maverick right?”
Although the president of the Iron Rogues was an intimidating man, I’d grown up surrounded by guys who were just like him. It would take a lot more than his glare to scare me. “About what?”
Maverick shook his head with a deep chuckle, shoving some spaghetti into his mouth instead of interfering.
“About your dad not blaming my whole fucking club for the stunt Mav pulled, carrying you out of Silver Ink,” Fox replied.
Leaning into Maverick’s side, I grinned at Fox. “My dad might think he’s the boss of me, but he’s not. I’m twenty-five years old. If I want to let a man carry me out to his bike and go for a ride over state lines with him, I can.”
“Pretty fucking sure that logic won’t stop your dad from putting my VP six feet under for daring to come near you,” Fox disagreed.
“Over state fucking lines,” Phoenix echoed my words with a deep sigh. “Gonna have to make sure I have bail money if there are federal charges, assuming Maverick isn’t dead.”
I hummed as I finally took my first bite of spaghetti, the flavors exploding on my tongue. “Mmm, yum.”
The only guy who hadn’t spoken yet lifted his chin toward me. “Glad you like it.”
He wore a white apron with red splotches on it, so I couldn’t read the name stitched on the front of his cut. But it was easy to guess who he was. “Thanks for cooking, Biscuit. It tastes delicious.”
“You’re welcome,” he muttered before finishing the rest of his meal and getting up.
I listened to the banter between the men while I polished off my spaghetti, wondering what Fox meant when he said, “Remember what I said, Maverick. Get it done soon.”
Assuming it was club business, I didn’t ask. Instead, I focused on finishing my meal. Once I finished and Maverick rinsed off our plates, I gripped his arm. “Okay, you’ve stalled long enough. Why did you bring me here?”
Viper nodded. “Yeah, we’re all dying to know.”
Maverick glared at his club brother and tossed me over his shoulder. Again. And it was just as sexy this time around.
Ibit back a laugh at Molly’s outraged gasp when I gave her ass a little slap while marching out of the kitchen with her over my shoulder.