Page 12 of Sweet Surrender
Jameson snorts. “You mean since you decided to kiss me in front of your brother and all his friends. Sure, yes, we’ve been dating since yesterday.” He’s trying real hard not to laugh, Axel’s hand plastered over his own face to hide his smile.
The only people not smiling are Grams and Reggie. I didn’t expect Reggie to be happy for me but I thought Grams would. Shocked, but happy. She seems surprised and a little worried as she glances at Reggie and then Jameson before looking up at me. She taps my arm a few times and then walks over to Jameson. “You’re supposed to be dating Reginald. What happened?”
I frown, wondering where the fuck she drew that conclusion. “Grams, what are you talking about? Reggie and Jay are best friends but they’re not dating.” I look between my brother and my boyfriend, trying to figure out where this information came from. “Reggie, have you been telling Grams lies?” Silence meets my question but I won’t let this lie. I hate to ruin the dinner but this is important. This is the rest of my life I’m talking about.
The rest of my life.
Reggie growls at us before throwing his hands up and marching out to the back patio. Needing a resolution, I stalk after him when he whirls around and pokes me in the chest. “I told you to stay away from my fucking friends, especially James.”
“Why was that so important for you? I’m a grown man and I don’t need your permission to date Jameson. Sure, maybe I should have asked or told you when I started having feelings but I’m not obligated to.” I steel my emotions, trying to draw on my confidence. I fucking hate being outside this late but I also don’t want to argue. My hands fist at my side as Jameson comes alongside me, a firm hand settled on my lower back.
My brother hisses at the both of us and for a moment, I see a piece of him when we were younger rather than the man who just turned 34. “You were supposed to be mine. We did everything together. And then Wyatt started wedging himself in between us. I told him to fucking stay away, Jameson.”
Jameson snorts and then catches himself when we realize Reggie believes his own words. “Reggie, we were never like that. We never dated. I never saw you that way. Wyatt didn’t wedge himself into anything. He was just as much my friend as yours. Why the fuck did you think any different?”
Unable to reel myself in, my fist clocks Reggie in the face before Axel ushers me inside. Our grandparents are confused but I’m too riled up to explain. Axel can do the honors. I’m going to go start on dinner just so I have something to occupy my hands. Otherwise, I’m going to waltz right back out there and hit my brother again.
Reggie wanted me to stay away not because they were his friends but because he had a crush on Jameson. He wanted me to stay away so he could confess? That’s fucking bullshit.
Chapter 12
Furious doesn’t even begin to explain what I feel. I stare at the man I used to call a friend, a best friend. He doesn’t even look remorseful. He’s in shock that Wyatt let his anger get the better of him but Reggie doesn’t look sorry. In fact, Reggie looks like the whole world has wronged him and I bet he’s blaming someone else for the portfolio I was gifted last night.
“Care to explain all this shit, Reg? Because from where I’m standing, you’ve chosen to be a very shitty person. What, so you’re in love with me? Is that it?”
Reggie doesn’t answer as he digs his toe into the ground, nursing his face with one hand. “It wasn’t supposed to be like this, alright? You were my friend and that was that. You started looking at him, after him, always wanting him to be around when he was. That’s not how it was supposed to be.”
“Reg, we’re 34-fucking-years-old. We’re halfway to 40. Are you seriously trying to play this fucking game right now? If anyone is driving a wedge, it’s you. It’s always been you. Between Axel. Between Wyatt. Between me.”
A look of horror passes through his expression. “What? I would never-”
“But you did. That’s the point, Reg! You did. Every party and hangout, it’s always about the booze and remembering the good old days. You never grew up and neither did any of our friends. You took your mother’s house and you’ve basically ruined whatever memories we all shared. You’ve disrespected everyone’s boundaries unless it benefited you and now this shit with Hollandeck Automotive?”
Reggie steps up to me, jabbing me in the chest. It takes me a minute to realize that he’s had a few beers even if Axel, Wyatt, and I just arrived. “I asked you all for help, specifically you, and you told me no.”
“You said that shit was for bills. I thought you just couldn’t handle your own expenses. I didn’t think you were trying to defraud the government and what for? You were never good with money. How the fuck did you end up in all of this?” The sky crackles overhead as lightning zips across it, a perfect example of how I’m currently feeling.
“It’s a long story.”
“Well, figure it out because this shit isn’t going to go away. What is going to go away are your brothers because they feel disrespected.” Reggie tries to sidestep me but I push against his chest. “No fucking apology is going to save this. You just told Wyatt that your confession was worth more than he was. Be happy that all he did was punch your face.”
“So you approve of his violence? I told you he wasn’t some sweet fucking boy that needs to be looked after.”
Reggie just doesn’t understand. He digs himself into a hole and then happily buries himself without even knowing he’s suffocating. “Let’s get one thing straight. Your brother is the kindest man I’ve ever known. Wyatt’s heart is able to love and accept everyone regardless of their circumstances but he has a hard time being around you. That should fucking tell you something. Figure it out, Reggie before they’re all gone. And stop telling your grandparents lies. If Gramps didn’t already know that we were going to end up together, this might have gone worse.”
“So, you never-”
“Not once, Reggie. Not once. My eyes were always on Wyatt.” A harsh truth but one he needs to hear. The sky crackles again and I step inside, finding Wyatt standing by the front door. I wanted to make this work. I wanted to share my relationship with his family but it’ll happen in time. Not with Reggie, but definitely with the others. I also know that trying to force something tonight will be worse than coming back next week.
I dole out goodbye hugs, Gramps hugging me a little tighter and longer than usual. “You’re a good boy, James. I know it’s hard but you take care of them for me.”
“Axel and Wyatt. I’ll try and drill some sense into the other one.” He chuckles as he lets me go and I move to Wyatt’s side before throwing my hand out for him to take. Wyatt doesn’t hesitate and Axel walks out with me into the beginning droplets of what looks like a thunderstorm.
It isn’t until we get back into the car that someone speaks. Axel leans forward from the backseat, patting Wyatt’s shoulder. “For what it’s worth, Reggie deserved that hit. I hope it felt good.”