Page 6 of Sweet Surrender
“Date me.”
The shock on Jameson’s face is almost comical before he gathers himself. “That wasn’t what I was expecting this morning but absolutely. 100%. You sure about this?” His free hand slides to rest on my hip, squeezing in the same way the one around my neck does. I’ve never been submissive in public. There’s never been a need to be but with Jameson, he’ll have me melting in his hands every touch I get.
“100% sure.”
A smile spreads across my lips as he pulls me forward for another kiss, this one much shorter. It tastes like Fruit Loops, Jameson sighing as he releases me. Then he pats my chest before I summon up the courage to walk back out. I know that my struggle with Reggie isn’t over but for now, everyone knows and it feels like a weight off my shoulders.
Everyone knows that Jameson is mine.
That he’s my boyfriend.
Chapter 6
I watch Wyatt leave, every last muscle in his body pulled tight with anxiety. He still reminds me of the soldier that deployed a few years except for moments like this when he all but melts in my hands. I always see the teddy bear version of him rather than the tattooed beast everyone claims him to be. Don't get me wrong. The tattoos are an added bonus and I know there's more strength in his hands than there is in my entire body. However, I also know that Wyatt has a soft touch, one that creates delicious masterpieces.
The smile on my face quickly disappears when Reggie stalks over to me, his hands fisted at his sides. He reminds me of a petulant child that just lost an argument rather than a grown man about to hand me my ass for dating his brother. In either situation, it’s not his choice who I or Wyatt dates. It never has been and it never will be.
Should I have mentioned something?
But Wyatt has been at my side just as long as I’ve known Reggie. They were my family when I had none. I lean back against the counter and fold my arms across my chest. At this rate, I’ll be late for work but it’ll be worth it to have this conversation now. “What’s your real problem with Wyatt and I, Reggie? Because you’re not allowed to be angry that your brother is dating.”
“But it’s you!” He jabs a finger into my chest. His controlling nature was something to look up to in college. It made him a great fraternity president but now? It makes him an ass. We’re in our mid-30s and he still acts like his words hold the same weight. “I told him you were off limits. I told you-”
I gently pry Reggie’s finger off my chest and shake my head. “Reggie, I don’t need your fucking permission to date your adult brother. You of all people have no business telling anyone what they can and can’t do when you are constantly disrespectful of everyone’s boundaries.” I’m done playing the friend who just goes along with everything. There have been times when I’ve kept my mouth shut and shouldn’t have. “I was going to mention Wyatt yesterday but you were so fucking nasty about the idea, I thought I’d spare your brother the ridicule that would come from my confession.”
“I am not nasty to him. Wyatt just needs a little more love.”
My head falls back as I laugh. “Do you not hear yourself? He’s been trying to get you, his own brother, to love him! But everything is always about what you need.” His eyebrows bend in confusion but I’m not done. Reggie needs to hear this and even if he still doesn’t understand, it has to come from me. “I love you. You are my best friend, Reggie. You’re basically my brother but you don’t even see what you’re losing right in front of you."
"So you’d choose my little brother over me?”
I don’t understand why he worded it like that. Something twists in my head, that I should read into his words but I ignore it. “I’m not choosing anyone, Reggie. Once you get your head out of your ass, I’ll be right here. Excuse me, I’m late for work.”
I push past him, throwing a head nod to the few who are still here. They’re shocked by my harsh words but I don’t regret them. Hopefully, Reggie will understand before there is no one left to love him.
Chapter 7
The morning starts off slow as I open up the bakery, flipping on the lights as I go and then strolling into the back to grab a fresh pair of clothes. Despite having an apartment on the other side of the city, I spend the occasional night in the back to rise early for all the delicacies that take more than just a gentle touch. The pale blue walls and marble floors bring a soft ambiance that contrasts my aura. It’s become something of a commodity to visit the ex-military baker.
It helps that I still remember how to smile, even more so that I now have a boyfriend after pining after him for years. His silly grin plastered on his face as I left this morning is etched into my brain, nearly distracting me from removing the freshly baked bagels from the wood oven. A hiss slips through my lips as I grab them with my hands and quickly drop them on the counter, vigorously shaking my fingers to ward off the heat.
“Well, that’s one way to grab them. Maybe try the metal utensils you bought for that shit?” Laughter follows the question as I turn to face the entrance, Axel strolling in like he has nothing better to do than bother me. He plops onto a stool on the other side of the counter, leaning forward to grab the bagel I just pulled from the oven. “Cinnamon cherry? You must have known I was coming.” Axel takes a large bite before unearthing a five-dollar bill and slapping it on the table.
For someone who just made fun of me for pulling the bagels out of the oven barehanded, Axel doesn’t seem phased by the heat in the slightest.
I enjoy the moments he breaks off of his morning to spend with me, especially with such a fractured family. “You on your way in?”
Axel nods as he takes another large bite. He works in the heart of the city as a graphic designer, adding touches to the interior of homes and condos to the exact specifications of his clients. He loves every bit of it, bringing their dream spaces to life and the smile that is permanently on his face, especially after meeting his girlfriend makes me envious of his happiness.
My phone vibrates on the counter and I grab it before groaning at the ridiculously sweet text that pops up.
Jay <3