Page 117 of Truck Me
“I’ll heal.”
He shifts nervously on his feet. “How about Rayne? She at school?”
“No. I’ve kept her home for a few days.”
“Is she okay? You know, with what happened with me the other night.”
“Yeah. She’s handling it all better than the rest of us.”
“Good. I’d like to schedule a paternity test. If she’s okay with that and wants to know. It’s her call, but I want to make it clear that I want to know.”
“Well, we haven’t—”
“Yes!” Rayne rushes past me and wraps her arms around Garret’s waist. His hands shoot out to his side as if he’s shocked by her action. “I want to know.”
“Rayne! I told you to stay in your room.”
“I know, but he wants to know and so do I.” She buries her face into him, and his hands slowly fall and wrap her in an embrace.
“Then we’ll get it scheduled,” he says.
My mouth falls open, and I want to protest. My protective instincts say he has no right to make that decision, but the rational part of my brain tells me I’m wrong. He has just as much right to the truth as she does.
“Okay, fine.” The words come out clipped. “Rayne, get back inside.”
“No arguing. Go.” I step aside and wave her in the house.
She releases him and looks up at him with sad puppy dog eyes.
“Bye.” She waves and heads inside.
Before he can say anything else, I say, “Thanks for my car. Let us know when everything is set up and where we need to go.”
I don’t give him a chance to respond. I step inside, shut the door, and fall against it. My tears are immediate. I ache to hold him and be held by him. My heart is torn between what it wants and what it feels is right.
Not once did I think I wouldn’t recover from Brad’s betrayal. Getting over him was never something I struggled with.
But I’m not so sure about Garret. I didn’t even realize how attached to him I was until everything blew up in my face.
No matter what happens, I will never be the same again.
* * *
I can’t stop staring at my phone and the message I just received from Garret.
The appointment is set for Thursday at 3:30. This way Rayne won’t have to miss any more school. Address to follow.
I take a few deep calming breaths and glance around the hair salon.
Work has been challenging after what happened. The first few days weren’t that bad, but now that the gossip squad have all scheduled their appointments, I can’t avoid it. Especially since Mrs. Engle brings it up with every person who walks through the door.
Half the people that have come in today are only here to see me and hound me with questions. None of them really need their hair done.
The only positive thing is it’s keeping me busy. Thanks to Mrs. Engle putting in a second workstation, I’m able to work every day now. That’s better than sitting at home alone with my thoughts.