Page 133 of Truck Me
“Would you be willing to wait, like, a year before we get married?”
“No!” I frown. “I want to get married now.”
Her head falls back in laughter, and I take advantage of her exposed neck by kissing her and sucking on her delicate skin. She sucks in a breath and melts into me.
“You’re impossible to negotiate with,” she breathes.
“I know what I want, and that’s you.” I continue to kiss my way down her chest, pulling my t-shirt down to expose her breasts. I suck one of her pert nipples into my mouth and give it a light bite. “Just say yes, Princess.”
I do it again, this time biting down harder until her back arches beneath me.
“Yes!” she says followed by a sexy moan. I release her nipple on a pop and stare at her.
“Yes what?” The question rushes out of me. “Yes, keep doing this to you or yes, you’ll marry me?”
She cups her hands on my cheeks and pulls my mouth to hers, but she stops just shy of kissing me. “Both,” she whispers.
Then our mouths come together in a deep, claiming kiss that leaves no question about what we want from each other.
“Fuck woman. It’s about time you said yes,” I say once we both come up for air.
She chuckles. “You say that like I’ve put you off for years.”
“It felt like it,” I say before I kiss her again.
Nothing I’ve said has ever felt more true. I didn’t know it until recently, but I’ve been waiting my entire life for Charlotte. Now that I have her, I’m never letting her go.
* * *
Charlotte looks over at me in confusion as I parallel park in a space about a block down the street from the courthouse. “Why are we stopping here?”
Instead of answering her, I get out of my truck and walk around to her side. When I open the door, I hold my hand out. She stares at me for several beats before she finally takes it.
Once she’s out of the truck, she glances around like she’s looking for clues to why we’re here. She hasn’t yet noticed that the courthouse is just down the street.
It’s been a week since she finally agreed to marrying me, and I don’t want to wait another minute to make her my wife. If she agrees, today will be the day I make that happen.
“Garret. I thought we were going to visit my dad.”
“We are.” I lean down and give her a quick kiss. “But we need to make a stop first.”
“A stop for what?” Her expression turns from confusion to concern. I tighten my grip on her hand and pull her closer.
“Nothing to worry about.” I tug her down the sidewalk. My nerves are heightened and I’m starting to think this might have been a bad idea. but I’m here now. “This shouldn’t take us too long.”
She doesn’t resist me as I guide her toward the large brick building that’s impossible to miss, but she’s too confused to even notice where I’m leading her.
When we reach the steps, I pause and pull her close to me so we’re chest-to-chest. “Tell me you were serious last week when you said yes.”
She furrows her brows and studies me before realization finally dawns. She glances around us and her jaw drops when her eyes land on the sign for the courthouse.
“Garret?” she whispers my name like a question.
“Princess. You said yes, and I don’t want to wait any longer than necessary to make you my wife.” I drop to my knees and take her hand in mine. With my free hand, I hold up the ring I bought the week after she came back to me. “We have an appointment to get our marriage license. And if you’re ready, the judge will marry us today.”
“What?” she gasps. Her hand trembles in mine as I hold the engagement ring just at the tip of her finger.
“Will you wear my ring?” I ask, feeling nervous and a little exposed.