Page 49 of Truck Me
Oh, boy. That good, huh?
Rather than responding, I dial her number. She picks up on the first ring.
“If someone is talking shit about you in that backwoods town, I’m on the next plane out of here.”
For the first time all day, an easy smile spreads across my face. “This is why I love you so much. You’re always ready to fight for me.”
“Don’t drag this out. Tell me what happened.”
“Why do you automatically jump to conclusions? Nothing bad happened, just—”
“Don’t downplay your feelings. You always do this, Char. You are allowed to feel when it comes to the things that happen to you. Like that shithead of an ex-boyfriend of yours. You’ve made up one too many excuses for him since he broke things off with you.”
“I didn’t call you to talk about Brad.” I pause, taking in a deep breath. Telling her about Garret isn’t going to be an easier conversation. She’s going to freak out, and probably in an it’s-about-damn-time kind of way.
“Then what’s wrong? Is your dad worse? Do you need me to come and help? I’ll leave on the first plane out of Chicago, if that’s what you need.”
“No, it’s not my dad either. I may have met someone,” I say hesitantly.
“What?” she yells so loudly through the phone I have to hold the receiver away from my ear. “Someone new new or someone you’re reconnecting with from your past?”
“Well, he’s from my past, but we were never really connected back then. So I guess somewhere in between.”
“Okay, so not a complete stranger. Please tell me you fucked him. Pretty please.”
I squeeze my eyes closed and nod, even though I know she can’t see me. I can’t get myself to say the words out loud. It’s so unlike me.
“Oh my God! You did!” she yells again.
“Will you stop yelling? I think the entire town can hear you. And trust me when I say this is not news I want to get out about me. There’s enough gossip as it is.”
“Alright, sorry. I’ll try to calm down, but it’s not every day my newly single best friend meets a guy.”
“I’ve only ever dated Brad since you’ve known me.”
“Exactly. Now tell me all about him. Does he have a big dick?”
“Gawd, Sierra.” I sigh and sink back into the chair. “Everything about Garret is big.”
“Garret, huh? Love the name. Screams BDE.”
“What’s BDE?” I frown. “You know I hate acronyms.”
She scoffs in only the way my best friend does. If I were next to her, I’ve no doubt she’d be rolling her eyes at me too.
“Big dick energy,” she says with enough sass behind it that it makes me chuckle.
“If that means he doesn’t have to tell anyone he has a big dick and possesses all the growly-don’t-fuck-with-me attitude to match, then yes. Garret has big dick energy.”
“You lucky bitch. Was it good?”
“Oh, sighhhh.” I sink further into the chair until my body is slouching. “It was the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“Whoa. For real?”
“Yes.” I drop my head onto the back of the chair and stare at the ceiling. “This is bad. I can’t be doing this. I’m not equipped for casual relationships.”