Page 56 of Truck Me
I know I shouldn’t, but I walk toward her, taking slow, deliberate steps. For everyone I take toward her, she takes one back. But my legs are longer than hers and I’m gaining ground.
When I’m within reaching distance of her, she throws a handful of snow at me, then spins around and takes off running. I didn’t even know she still had snow in her hands. It covers my chest and I brush it off.
“Go get her, Garret!” Rayne yells from where she’s still hiding behind the tree. “Don’t let her get away.”
I take off after her. She tries to grab another handful of snow but isn’t able to get much with how fast she’s running.
I catch up to her quickly. Sensing that I’m right behind her, she glances over her shoulder. The grin on her face causes me to falter and I stumble over my own feet. I feel myself falling forward and decided to use my fumble to my advantage. I reach out and wrap my arm around her waist, tugging her close to my chest before I twist so my back hits the ground.
She’s laughing and tries to free herself from my hold. Instead, all she manages to do is get turned around, so she’s facing me while lying on top of me. My hands find her waist and my grip tightens.
Our eyes lock. All the playfulness between us vanishes and is replaced with desire.
We’re both breathing hard. Her head slowly inches closer to mine as I lift up to meet her. Our lips are mere millimeters apart. I feel her breath brush across my mouth, and I get a whiff of chocolate and mint.
A rough growl forms deep in my chest and rumbles out of me. My need to kiss her, taste her lips with mine, far outweighs any other emotion I have. Right before our lips meet, a snowball hits Charlotte in the back of the head, knocking her forehead to mine.
My head falls back to the ground, and I loosen my grip on her waist. Her head drops to my chest, and her body shakes. At first it confuses me, but then I realize she’s laughing. The sound combined with her body moving above mine, is too much. I’m hard as fucking nails.
“I really need you to stop,” I growl.
She lifts her head. Her smile is so wide and bright it makes my growing problems worse. “I know. I feel it.”
A sound comes out of me that can only be described as beastly. “You’re making it worse.”
She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and bites down on it. I’m not sure how my face looks, but from the way her eyes darken, I can only assume she sees every ounce of the lust and need I’m feeling written all over me.
She quickly let’s go of her bottom lip and rolls off me.
“Girl, you better run!” she yells out to Rayne as she forms another snowball. “I’ve been hit one too many times, and now it’s your turn to take a few hits.”
Rayne takes off. Charlotte pushes to her feet and chases after her.
I stay put and bury my dick deeper in the snow. I need to cool off before I get up, or else Rayne might have a few questions I’m not prepared to answer.
Chapter 13
A damn near irresistible laugh.
It’s as if he’s a new man.
After the almost kiss when we tumbled down to the ground in a tangled mess of hands and legs, his mood improved drastically. Now he’s currently in the middle of a snowball fight with Rayne, and they’re both laughing so hard they can barely stand upright.
He really loves that girl. He has too. Why else would he allow her to come and go as she pleases from his house? I should feel happiness from knowing Rayne has had a man like Garret in her life. But a sense of dread washes over me, and I don’t know why.
Am I jealous of my ten-year-old niece? I’d like to think that I’m partly responsible for the smile on Garret’s face right now, but it’s all because of her. Rayne makes him happy, not me.
“Charlotte!” Mom’s panicked voice calls out the back door. I spin around and meet her tired gaze.
“Everything okay?”
She gives me a slight shake of her head, her frown deepening. “I need your help. Do you mind?”
“Of course not, Mom.” I shoot a quick glance at Rayne and Garret. Rayne doesn’t seem to notice my mom looks upset, but Garret does. He’s watching me with an intense, concerned expression on his face.
I give him a quick wave and shake of the head as if to say it’s fine. His eyes narrow more, as if he’s saying he doesn’t believe me. It’s a weird exchange that leaves me feeling uncomfortable. My chest tightens and I suddenly feel like there’s a heavy weight pressing down on me.