Page 88 of Truck Me
Mom gives me a confused look. “I don’t think so, no. Why do you ask?”
I shrug. “I don’t want her to be upset about it. She’s close to him, and I don’t want her to think I’m trying to take him from her or anything like that.”
Mom thinks on that for a minute before she nods. “I can see why you’re worried about her feelings. She thinks the world of Garret. She might see you as a threat if you don’t handle it right.”
“And how do I make sure I handle it right?”
“Well, for starters, don’t let her find out by accident. So if this isn’t serious, don’t let her catch you.”
I nod. “Okay. It’s not like we’re flaunting it around or anything. I didn’t even know you knew.”
Mom wipes her hands on a towel and turns to face me. “Do you like him?”
“Of course I do. What kind of question is that?”
“Listen, sweetheart. I like Garret. He’s a good man. A troubled man, but a good one all the same. Those Mutter boys have been through enough. Be careful with him.”
“Mom!” I press my hand to my chest, my breathing increasing at her unspoken accusation. “What are you trying to say?”
She sighs and gives me a small smile. “I’m not saying you’re doing anything to deliberately hurt him. But I also know your last relationship just ended. A relationship that you thought would lead to marriage. Just make sure you’re not using him as a bandage for your wounded heart. He deserves better than that.”
My eyes drop to the floor as I think about what she said. Her words make sense, and I get why she’s concerned, but I’m not using Garret like that. I actually like him. Way more than I should.
When I look back up at Mom, I see nothing but love and support. “I hear you, Mom. And I’m not. I really like him. I don’t know where this is going or if it will last, but I do know I like him. And he seems to like me. For now, that’s enough.”
She smiles and pats my cheek. “Good enough, sweetheart. Enjoy your evening. I’ll see you in the morning.”
I pull her in for a tight hug. “You too. Call me if you need anything.”
“We’ll be fine. Your dad is doing good.”
“He is, isn’t he?”
His doctor confirmed the medication he prescribed him is reducing his number of bad days. This is the longest he’s gone without an episode since I moved home.
“He is. Now, go on. Get before you’re late.” Mom waves me toward the back door.
“But the car is out front.” I argue.
She rests her hands on her hips and looks down her nose at me. “You can walk, the same as you do every night you sneak over to his house. The charade is up.”
I shake my head and chuckle. “Okay, fine. I’ll walk.”
I grab the pie from the refrigerator, and she smirks at me. Without another look in her direction, I head toward the back door and grab my coat off the hook. Once it’s on, I slip on my gloves then wave bye to Mom. She gives me one last smile before she turns back to the stove.
There’s a lightness in my step that hasn’t been there any of the other times I walked to his house. Is it because Mom knows and approves of Garret? I expected her to be upset if she found out what I was doing. I never even considered she’d approve of Garret and me.
This knowledge has me smiling even wider than I typically am when I’m sneaking over to his house.
And I’m not sure what that means. I didn’t want anyone to know that I was seeing Garret. But knowing that I no longer have to keep this a secret from Mom makes me feel better. It makes this thing between us feel more real. Like what we’re doing means something so much more than sex.
If I’m honest with myself, it’s felt like something so much more than sex for quite some time now. I’m just not sure how to process these feelings yet.
But I do know that I’m looking forward to figuring it all out.
* * *
The look on Garret’s face when he opens his door has me taking a step back. His dark brown eyes are full of anguish. The smile I was wearing drops, and that causes him to wince.