Page 104 of Truck Off
I look around the small space until my eyes land on a pile of bills. I head straight for it. As soon as my hand lands on it, Lina calls out.
“No!” Her hand slams on top of mine before I can pick up the bill on top. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Helping,” I say, keeping my tone flat. Then I pull her hand off mine and sift through the stack until I find what I’m looking for. Most of what’s here are medical bills. A lot of them. I knew she was struggling, but this looks far worse than I thought.
Once I have the electric bill in hand, I stuff it in my back pocket. “I’ll take care of this first thing in the morning.”
“No, you won’t. I can take care of it myself.”
“Then why is your power off?” I snap, immediately regretting how the words come out.
“Because someone forced me to fix my car before I was ready to pay for it.” She slaps her hand over her mouth like she didn’t mean to say that.
I narrow my gaze as I decipher what her words mean. “I took care of your car.”
Her shoulders sag, and she drops her head. “I made Liam take my money for it.”
I close my eyes and swallow back the string of curse words that want to break free. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself before I open them and stare at a worried-looking Lina. “My brother and I are going to have words about that. I told you I had it covered.”
“And I told you I couldn’t accept your help.” She barks her reply.
“Too stubborn for her own good.” Her dad cuts in. “Won’t accept help from no one. Not even the MC, and those fuckers owe me. Edge keeps trying to replace the water heater, and she refuses. More stubborn than her damn mother.”
I turn my angry gaze to Lina. She covers her face with her hands like that’s going to hide her from me. “You still don’t have hot water?”
She shakes her head.
“You told me you had it covered.”
“Damn thing hasn’t worked in months,” her dad says. “Getting tired of those damn cold showers, but this one,” he points at Lina, “keeps waiting for her useless brother to fix it. Like that’s ever gonna happen.”
“Dammit, Lina.” I place my hands on my hips, struggling to keep hold of my anger. “You could’ve used the money you paid my brother for your car to get the water heater fixed.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t do that, did I?” she yells. “This is my life, Chase. This is what I have to deal with every single day. Don’t you dare come in here and get all pissy with me because I didn’t do what you wanted me to do. You do not get to dictate my choices.”
I can’t stop the growl that boils up from my chest and slips right past my lips. Is that what she thinks of me and my help? That I’m trying to control her? That’s the last thing I want to do. I just want to take care of her. Make sure she’s safe and has the basic needs that everyone should have to survive. She’s got this all wrong.
Rather than correct her, I pull her into my arms and hug her tight. She fights me at first, but when I tighten my hold, she relaxes into me.
“Baby,” I whisper in her ear. “I just want you to be safe and have the things you need.”
“And I keep telling you that I’m not your problem to fix.”
I lean back so I can look her in the eyes. I cup her cheek and give her a chaste kiss. “Part of what you’re saying is right. You are not a problem to fix. You’re my girlfriend. Someone I care very much about. If you think I can sit back and watch you struggle without helping, you’re mistaken. I thought we settled this already. You agreed to stop fighting me on this.”
She huffs. “I know, but I couldn’t let you pay for my car. Please don’t be mad at Liam. I didn’t exactly give him a choice.”
I stare into her determined eyes. Her strength is impressive, and I admire the hell out of her tenacity. But I cannot and will not sit back and watch her struggle like this. Not when I love her as much as I do.
My eyes fall close at how easily that thought came to me. I love Lina. She’s mine, and I’ll fight for her until my last breath.
“Okay,” I say. “Let’s forget about the car. But I’m taking care of your electric bill.”
“No! I can’t let you do that.”
I shrug. “And you can’t exactly stop me either. You’ve got enough on your plate with the rest of that pile. I’m not fucking asking anymore. I’m doing this for you.”
She opens her mouth like she’s going to object but stops herself. After a few beats, she finally nods. “Thank you.”