Page 111 of Truck Off
Lina works tonight, so I won’t see her until later. That should give me plenty of time to pay Edge a visit at Posey’s after I finish up.
George gave me the rundown on all the ways Edge and the MC have tried to help them over the years, and that Lina has refused him every single time. I get why, but the MC is not the same as it was when George was a member or when Smoke tried to force her into an arranged marriage. Edge is different. He’s a good man. I trust he’ll do what’s right without any expectations. Especially since the club owes me a debt too.
It’s past time someone takes him up on his offer to help Lina and her father out. I just hope it doesn’t land me in the doghouse when that someone is me.
* * *
Posey’s Lounge is busy when I arrive. Every seat at the bar is taken and most of the tables are full. The dance floor is crowded with scantily dressed women with big hair and way too much make-up. They’re swaying back and forth to bad eighties metal like they’ve got talent. It’s not a good look.
Sally gives me a chin lift when he sees me approach. A few moments later, he’s sliding a bottle of Bud in my direction.
“What brings you in on a weeknight?” he asks.
“Came to see Edge. He around?” I glance at the crowd. He’s not in the main bar area that I can see.
Sally points toward the game room. “Poker game. Last I heard, he was winning. Should be in a good mood.”
“Perfect.” I flash him a wide grin before tossing enough cash down to cover my beer plus a tip. “Thanks.”
I tip my beer before heading around the corner. The game room is more packed than the main bar area. It’s busier than I’ve ever seen Posey’s on a Friday or Saturday. Makes me wonder what I’ve been missing out on during the week.
I spot Edge on the opposite side of the poker table. He’s staring at me like he knew I was coming, but I know that can’t be true. I didn’t know I was coming until this morning.
He whispers something to the man next to him before he tosses his cards down and pushes to his feet. The man next to him doesn’t even look my way. He takes Edge’s cards and continues the game as if there wasn’t an interruption.
After taking a quick scan of the players, I don’t recognize anyone. It’s not our regular poker crowd. These men look rough and are all wearing cuts. And not cuts from the Unholy Ghosts.
“Hey, man.” Edge takes my hand for a firm shake and pats my forearm. “Glad you came by.”
I chuckle, and I hate that it sounds like a nervous chuckle. Not gonna lie—not even to myself—this crowd makes me uneasy. I feel like I walked into something I shouldn’t have.
“Oh, yeah? Didn’t know you wanted to see me.” I glance around the room again before meeting Edge’s playful gaze. “Should I, um … come back another time? You seem kinda busy.”
“No, man. Now is as good a time as any.” He squeezes my shoulder and points toward a tall two top table against the wall. It’s the only empty table here. It’s as if everyone knew to leave it open for him.
Per his urging, I take the seat facing the room. He flags down a server and barely gets seated when the server appears with two beers. One for each of us.
“So.” I clear my throat. I hate how nervous I sound. Edge and the MC have never made me nervous. They may be a little rough around the edges, but they’re all good guys. “It sounded like you were expecting to see me. Or at least hoping to. Mind telling me why?”
He nods, looks around the room, and then back at me. “You’re dating Lina.”
It’s not a question. He’s letting me know he knows what goes on around this town, even if we’ve not made it public. “Yeah. Have been for a couple of months now. Sorta.”
He raises his brow. “Sorta?”
I give him one of my charming grins that usually lets the receiver know I’m full of shit. “Well, she resisted me for the first month, but I can be persuasive. So I like to count that time.”
He snorts and slowly drops his head. If I’m not mistaken, he rolled his damn eyes at me. “Anyway. Lina Lange. I need you to convince her to accept my help.”
“Well, you’re in luck.” I take a pull from my beer before leaning forward on my elbows. “It so happens that I came here to convince you to help her and George. They can’t live in that shit hole like it is, and I can’t fix it all myself.”
He gives me a pointed stare. “Does Lina know you’re here?”
“Nope.” I pop the P. “But I did tell her I was helping and not giving her a choice in the matter. I figure I’ve already pissed her off enough this summer with the things I keep doing for her. I pretty much wore her down. Now it’s your turn to help.”
He gives me an uncharacteristic grin that tells me I made the right choice in coming to him. He knows Lina the same as I do. Which means he knows she’s gonna be pissed but will get over it once it’s all said and done.
“I can get out there tomorrow with a crew. Have that place in tiptop shape before the sun goes down. That work for you?”