Page 119 of Truck Off
He shakes his head. “That’s between Chase and the club. If he wants you to know, he’ll tell you.”
“But …” My mind races with reasons why this could be the case. As far as I know, Chase never had any association with the MC. His mom did, but even that was on the periphery. She was never connected intimately to a club member that I’m aware of.
The server returns and sets a beer in front of each of us. I stare at it, but don’t bother picking it up.
Edge picks up his and then pushes to his feet. “I think we’re done here. Enjoy your new home and be sure to thank Chase for it. He made this happen for you.”
He nods at someone behind me, but I don’t look to see who. For once, I don’t know what to say. If this is truly the club paying a debt owed to Chase, there isn’t anything I can do about it. That’s how it works.
My shoulders slump as feelings of defeat and helplessness run rampant through my mind. I don’t like feeling like this. I’m used to being in control and taking care of everything myself.
Leaning forward, I rest my elbows on the table and bury my face in my hands. This is what Chase has reduced me to—a woman who lets someone else take care of her.
Is that really such a bad thing? I’ve taken care of myself for so long, I forgot what it’s like to have someone around to help. Maybe I’ve never really experienced this kind of care before.
My heart beats faster and my lungs tighten. I feel like I’m losing too much control, and if I don’t regain some of it, I’ll lose myself in this downward spiral.
I squeeze my eyes closed and force my lungs to take slow, deliberate breaths. Once my breathing regulates, my heart rate slows to a normal pace. When I look up, I’m no longer alone at my table.
“Chase! I didn’t hear you sit down.” More like I didn’t feel his presence. I usually sense when he’s nearby. My body is tuned in to him, but this time he snuck up on me.
His eyes narrow and his frown doesn’t look quite right.
“You okay?” I ask. “You seem upset.”
I study him for a moment. His hair is neatly combed to one side, like usual. He’s clean shaven, but I kind of wished he still had that little bit of scruff that he gets when he goes a few days without shaving. He’s wearing a crisp blue button-down shirt and a pair of dark jeans.
He looks damn good, but something isn’t right.
“You gonna answer me, or just stare?” That slow, devilish grin that he gets when he’s about to tease me lifts his lips.
I hold his gaze. He may be grinning, but his eyes are missing that little extra something I see every time he looks at me. The man across from me is not looking at me like he wants me. My eyes fall closed, and I sigh.
“Why are you here?” I ask. “I’m in no mood for games.”
He sits up straighter and looks around him like I’m talking to someone other than him. When his gaze settles back on me, he lifts a brow in question. “Games? What Games?”
I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. “Give it up. I know you’re Christian. Care to tell me why you’re here dressed like Chase?”
The smile that spreads across Christian’s face is one I’ve never seen before. This is not the forced grin he gave me when he walked in or the pretend smile of a man who doesn’t really want to be smiling. He’s smiling for real, and it causes me to shift back in my seat.
“Why are you so happy?” I point my finger at his face and wave it in a circular motion. “This smile is confusing as hell.”
His smile instantly vanishes. He reaches across the table and snags the beer I have yet to touch. He takes a long pull before he answers me. “You really do care for my brother.”
“I’m pissed at your brother,” I say way too fast.
He shrugs. “Maybe so, but you still care about him. A lot.”
I lean back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“Maybe not, but you knew the moment you looked at me that I wasn’t Chase. Not many can figure that out with just a look. You felt it, which means you care.”
I look away, unable to hold his knowing gaze. I’ve been trying like hell to pretend I didn’t hear Chase tell me he loves me during sex. I’ve also been pretending that I don’t think I might actually love him back. It’s too much to process along with the new trailer.
“I’m still pissed at him,” I mumble under my breath, almost hoping he doesn’t hear me.
“Why? Because he fucking cares about you? Come on, Lina. When is the last time someone did something nice for you just because they care? What has Chase asked for in return?”