Page 15 of Truck Off
Jayla’s worry is valid. I’ve always struggled with migraines, and they’ve been worse now that my diet is all messed up. The doctor was clear that my lack of nutrition was contributing to the worsening of my headaches. Jayla is right. I need to do better.
“I know. The medication the doctor gave me is helping. And I’m trying to do better. As soon as I figure out how to pay for fixing the water heater and my car, things won’t be so bad.”
Jayla shoots up, and her jaw falls open. “I thought Jonas came yesterday to fix that?”
“Me too,” I say around a bite of food. “He didn’t come. Gave me a shitty excuse and said he would try again some other weekend.”
“That worthless, no good, piece of shit.”
“My sentiments exactly.” I point my fork at her before I take another bite. “I’ll figure it out. I always do.”
“Yeah, but you shouldn’t have to. When do you get to live your life for you? Can’t he see how unfair this is to you?”
“I’m sure he can see it. He just doesn’t care.” I finish the last bite—my stomach feeling full for the first time in days, maybe even weeks.
“Well, I hate him for it.”
While I agree with her most days, I shrug it off. There isn’t anything I can do about my brother’s actions, so I focus on the things I can control. “Speaking of living my life for myself. You’ll never guess what happened to me today.”
She crosses her legs crisscross style and wiggles in her seat just like she used to do all those years ago when we were teenagers. “Do tell.”
She knows how much I’ve crushed on Christian over the years, and I hope she’ll be excited for me. I take a deep breath and look at her through my long, dark lashes. “I have a date with Christian Mutter.”
Jayla’s smile grows and her eyes light up. “Tell me everything.”
Chapter 4
At least farm animals don’t talk back
My eyes blink open. The unfamiliar room is dark. I look around, trying to focus on something I recognize, but it doesn’t happen. It’s too dark for my brain to register the openness of the space surrounding me.
I’m not fully awake and it takes several seconds before it all clicks into place. Then a slow smile spreads across my face.
My new apartment.
Last night was the first night in my new space. After thirty years of sleeping in the same room, it’s going to take me a while to get used to the change.
I grab my cell from the nightstand and check the time. I’ve got an hour before the sun comes up.
My internal alarm clock is good at keeping me on schedule. As long as I tell myself what time I need to be up the next morning, my body does the rest. I’ve always been that way. It’s a great skill for a farmer to possess.
I toss the covers aside and groan at the ache between my legs. This damn morning wood is a pain in my ass. I haven’t been about to get the damn thing to calm down ever since my run-in with Lina at the gas station.
Lina Lange has been the girl of my dreams for as long as I can remember. She’s gorgeous—there’s no denying that—but there’s so much more to her than a pretty face. There’s always been something about her soul that drew me in. I know her history, and it’s not a good one. A lesser person would have succumbed to defeat, but there’s an undeniable strength to Lina. Despite her circumstances, she’s a good person with a huge heart. A heart I’ve always wanted a shot at winning.
Now that I finally have a date with her, it has my body heated.
It also doesn’t help that it’s been far too long since I’ve gotten laid. There aren’t a lot of options in this small town, and I don’t travel enough to meet new people.
I give my dick a light squeeze to relieve some of the pressure. It doesn’t work.
“Down boy. I don’t have time to fight a boner all morning.”
Ignoring my dick, I crawl out of bed and head to the kitchen. I flip on the lights and the brightness is enough of a shock to my eyes that I squeeze them closed. It takes me a moment to adjust.
Once I do, I start the coffee, lean against the counter, and stare out at my mostly empty apartment.