Page 26 of Truck Off
And I’m looking forward to seeing him again so he can surprise me more.
Chapter 6
We are the way we are for a reason
My phone buzzes from somewhere inside my apartment. It’s buzzed a few times this morning, but I’ve ignored it. After taking care of my morning chores, I showered and have been sitting on the small balcony staring out over the farm ever since.
I haven’t even bothered with breakfast and coffee yet.
This is usually when I play my guitar, drink coffee, and enjoy the view of the land I tend to. But I haven’t allowed myself to have that joy. I don’t deserve to be happy right now. I deserve an ass kicking.
Life is so fucked up, and it doesn’t help when I do stupid shit to fuck it up even more. Like I need any help to complicate my life. I’m a Mutter. We were born with complications.
But I went off and complicated things anyway.
More like seriously fucked up.
It’s been fourteen hours and twenty-six minutes since I had my lips on Lina’s, and I can still feel and taste her. All I can think about is tasting her again.
I’ll be one lucky son of a bitch if she lets me. I’ve done some seriously stupid shit in my life, but this one just might win the stupid prize.
I yawn and rub my hands down my face. I really need that coffee.
I didn’t sleep much last night. I couldn’t. All I could think about was how much I want to see Lina again, and how much I want to feel her heat next to mine with no barriers.
And then whatever joy I feel from our date is crushed by the realization that she’ll probably hate me when I tell her the truth.
Because I have to tell her the truth the next time I see her. I’ve already let this misunderstanding go on longer than I should have. Hell, I should have corrected her the second she called me Christian.
But nope. I’m a selfish bastard who finally got a date with the woman I’ve pined over for years. So I let her think she went on a date with my twin brother. I let her think she fucking kissed him. And it was the best fucking kiss of my life.
Screwed, that’s what I am.
My phone buzzes again. On a sigh, I push off the railing and head inside. Might as well see who keeps texting me.
Christian’s name pops up on the screen. It’s Sunday. And not just any Sunday. It’s the first Sunday of the month, which means it’s time to visit Mom.
Before I go through his messages, I see I have two from Lina. A smile tugs at my lips. I open the message and my small smile turns into a full-faced grin.
Lina: I know I’m not supposed to reach out so soon after our date. I should follow some stupid dating rule like wait three days or some shit like that before I make contact. I’m sure texting you the minute I wake up makes me look eager or desperate or something else that’s not good. And maybe I should play hard to get. But I don’t care. I’m not like most girls. I play by my own rules. I had a great time last night, and I thought you should know.
Lina: Also, I don’t think I thanked you for dinner. Did I? I don’t remember. My brain was scrambled after that kiss. Thank you. It was the best meal I’ve had in a really long time.
I fall back on my bed and prop my head against a pillow. With my legs crossed, I type out a reply.
Chase: I don’t care about rules. Fuck rules. I do what I want, and like that you do too. Seeing this message from you put a huge smile on my face. And I mean HUGE. I think my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. I had a great time too, and it was my pleasure feeding you. I’ll take you out to eat as often as you’ll let me.
Chase: And that kiss … WOW! It kept me up all night.
Lina: I like your smile. You smile more than I expected. You’re always so broody and serious when I’ve seen you out before. What’s up with that?
Lina: And I didn’t sleep much last night either.
I bang my head against the headboard of my bed and groan. Of course she’d pick up on how much I smiled at dinner. I smile. A lot. Christian doesn’t. I can’t even recall the last time I saw him smile, and he’s my fucking twin.
Chase: What can I say? You bring out the best in me. Do you like ice cream?