Page 31 of Truck Off
“I’m here! I’m here!” I call out as I run through the front door. My car gave me a shit time starting again. It took so long to start, for a long, hot minute, I didn’t think I was going to make it at all.
“Lina!” Rob’s voice bellows through the open room. “Is that you?”
“Yeah, it’s me. Sorry. My car wouldn’t start.” I rush to my station, not sparing a glance at anyone. I’m never late, and today I missed my first appointment. Thank goodness it was with a repeat customer whose number I had. He graciously understood, and we rescheduled his appointment before he even showed up. Which meant Rob didn’t have to deal with an upset customer.
When I reach my station, I stop. My mouth drops open and my eyes widen. “What’s all this?”
In front of my cabinet is a new, sleek black cabinet about the same size—maybe a little bigger—with double doors on the front that lock. Stacked on top are several boxes. Taking a closer look, the boxes contain several bottles of ink. And not just any ink. Some of the best ink in the business. Taking quick stock, it looks to be at least three or four months’ worth.
I spin around to see Felix staring at me with raised brows and a small smile, while Rob is glaring at me.
“Where did all this come from?” I ask.
“I was hoping you could tell me,” Rob grumbles. “This was all delivered to you about an hour ago. Having the inks sent directly here is fine, but a fucking cabinet? I told you I’d take care of it.”
“I didn’t order this!” I say a little too loudly. “You know I can’t afford a cabinet like this. Hell, even this much ink is out of my budget.”
“Well, someone took it upon themselves to take care of you. I don’t like it.” Rob moves past me and starts removing my things from my old cabinet. I don’t know what to say or do, so I just stare at him.
When he moves the old cabinet away from the wall, I finally snap out of it. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” He growls.
“Rob, stop. I don’t know where this came from. I can’t use it.”
“Why not?” His brows furrow as he eyes me, but he doesn’t stop moving the old cabinet away from the wall.
“Because it’s not mine,” I say. I’m still at a loss for words and that’s the best I can come up with. It’s a very nice cabinet, much nicer than the ones Rob put in years ago, but I don’t know where it came from.
“Box has your name on it.” He grunts as he positions the hand cart under the cabinet and starts hauling it away. I hadn’t even noticed he had the cart with him. “Besides, it’s a nice cabinet. I think I’ll replace all of them with the same style. Make them all match.”
“But …” I press my hands to my cheeks, trying to snap out of my shock. This can’t be happening. Nothing like this ever happens to me, and I can’t decide if it’s a good or a bad thing.
“Snap out of it,” Felix says as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. “This is some nice shit. Did you find yourself a sugar daddy or something?”
I glare up at him. “You know better than that. I’m nobody’s arm candy, especially some douche of a man who has more money than sense.”
Felix knows how I feel about men who only date women because they look good on their arm. I’ve been propositioned one too many times by men who only want to date me because they think I’ll make them look better. They don’t always have money, but typically they do.
My looks were the only reason the former MC president wanted to marry me. That, and I was young and untouched. The whole idea of only wanting someone because they look good or have money makes my stomach turn.
“Well, someone is trying to impress you.” Felix waggles his brows. “Or maybe they’re just looking out for you. That might not be such a bad thing, Lina. You could use a break.”
“But who?” I sift through the first box of ink. There are several bottles of black, and a full range of colors. I can create so much beautiful art with these inks without the worry of having enough to get me through the next week.
This is a very generous gift. Too generous. I need to know where it came from before I use them. I don’t like or want to be beholden to another person. I can’t pay them back for this. I’ve got nothing to give.
Rob returns and positions the new cabinet exactly where he wants it. Then he helps me put all my stuff into it. I stuff the box of new inks on the bottom shelf. I’ll worry about those later.
“Um, just so you know, Jane is replacing all your inks.” I look up to see Rob rubbing the back of his neck. “She’s also on warning to never touch anyone’s supplies again. If she does this again, she’s gone.”
“Thanks for dealing with that for me.” I give him a tight-lipped smile that’s not even really a smile. It’s too forced to even pass for a smile.
“Well, I figured it was better me than you. No need to have your temper blowing up this place.”
“Hey!” My frown deepens and my brows furrow. “I have every right to be pissed.”