Page 29 of Secrets & Sake
He's too good, too sweet, too innocent, and if I’m not careful, I’ll destroy him.
Once we’ve showered, I motion for Hiro to follow me to the door leading to the baths. Before we enter, I grip his arm, making him look up at me in surprise. “If you see Takada, stay away from him. Got it?” Even after a shower, my scent still clings to Hiro, faint but unmissable. Takada won’t like it if he knows someone else has caught my interest.
“Okay.” Concern creases Hiro’s brow.
“Stay near me. I’ll keep you safe.” I can’t resist running my hand along his bare hip, enjoying his shiver. “Go on in.”
Hiro squeezes past, camera in his hand. Steam clouds the humid air. The room is packed with yakuza, joining their comrades in one of the many baths in the room. I recognize some of them, but not all. Beside me, Hiro starts taking pictures of the Takada-kai and Namikawa-kai men who are shooting each other wary looks and glares. My skin prickles, and my hands are in fists at my sides. Just knowing Takada will be here soon has my hackles rising and blood boiling for a fight.
“Raiden. You’ve come.” My grandfather tilts his head when he notices Hiro. “And who is this? The photographer?”
Hiro gives a respectful bow. “Yes. I’m Hiro Watanabe.”
“Hiro, this is my grandfather, Hideyoshi.”
“Nice to meet you,” Hideyoshi says after a bow. “Try to capture my good side, yes?”
Hiro laughs. “Of course.”
“Come. Enjoy the baths. They’re very relaxing.” Hideyoshi guides him to a bath.
Hiro sputters. “A-actually, I was just going to watch. I don’t want to intrude on any private conversations.”
“Nonsense. Feel free to relax. As long as the bosses get to talk undisturbed, there won’t be any trouble.” A frown creases his already wrinkled face. “At least, there shouldn’t be. But you never know.”
In a room full of werewolves? No. You really don’t.
The door slides open, and he’s here. All heads turn as Namikawa enters the room, towel over his shoulders. I fold at the waist, bowing before my boss along with everyone else in the room. Namikawa’s tattoos are less vibrant but not less impressive. Temples, dragons, carp, and flowers decorate his skin. I’ve never seen a wolf tattoo on him, though. Hiro snaps a picture of him.
Then the scent of Takada hits my nose, and I can barely swallow the growl of contempt that rises to my lips as he saunters in, Hirano at his side like a good guard dog. Takada’s dark eyes find mine, thin lips curling to reveal sharp canines.
Takada’s nostrils flare as he scents the air, and then his smile bleeds into a scowl. He turns a glare on Hiro. Others in the room have started noticing as well, sniffing and looking around the room suspiciously.
Beside me, Hiro frowns. “Does something smell funny?”
I grab my grandfather’s shoulder. “Stay with him.”
Hideyoshi stands closer to Hiro while I shoulder through the crowded room and come to stand beside my boss and Takada. Namikawa looks as calm as ever. If I didn’t know him, I’d think he never got angry, except I’ve seen him enraged before. It’s not something I’ll ever forget. “As I told you, Hiro has been allowed to document our lives. The police are cracking down on us harder than ever. It’s important to present an image of the Namikawa-kai to the public that shows us in a positive light.”
“He’s a human,” Takada says, sneering, voice low so Hiro won’t hear him. “If I’d known you’d fallen this low as to allow humans into your pack, I wouldn’t be wasting my time.” Glaring at Hiro over my shoulder, he shouts, “Leave. I won’t ask twice!”
Fear spikes Hiro’s scent. My fangs drop, claws dimpling my palms. A growl escapes me, and I finally look Takada in his dark, seedy eyes. “Hiro is with me. He stays.”
Takada barks a laugh. “Found yourself a new pet, Raiden? How cute.” He swipes his tongue over his lips. “He’s pretty. You wouldn’t mind sharing him, would you?”
Just the idea of Takada doing any of the messed-up shit he did with me to Hiro has a red haze falling over my eyes. “Try and touch him, Takada. I’ll tear your fingers off one by one and feed them to you.”
Furious mutterings and low growls resonate from Takada’s men.
Hirano comes between me and Takada. “Watch your tongue, Noboru.”
Namikawa’s men close in, muscles taut and ready to start swinging. I glance back at Hiro, wondering if I’ll have time to get to him before a fight breaks out. Hideyoshi meets my gaze and nods. He’ll take care of Hiro.
Namikawa throws up a hand, signaling his men to back down. He stares down his nose at Takada, like he’s nothing but an unruly brat in need of a beating. I bet he could kick Takada’s ass, even if he’s decades older. “That is enough. Raiden, stand down. Takada, calm your men. We are not here to fight.”
Hiro hesitantly raises a hand. “Uh. If it’s too much trouble, I can leave.”
Namikawa’s stare is cold enough to freeze the hot springs when he turns to Takada. “The photographer stays. You have no say in this, Takada. Not in my establishment. Not in my territory. You lost all right to an opinion the moment you turned your back on this family. If having an outsider here will be such a problem, then last I checked, the door still worked. See yourself out or stay and cooperate.”