Page 60 of Secrets & Sake
Just as I was telling Hiro about how boring my job is, the universe decides to flip me the middle finger and make my day a pain in the ass.
I had a little fun crashing a shareholder’s meeting and humiliating the guy with blackmail about his affair until he paid to get me to leave.
By 5 PM, I’m ready to just say fuck it and go home, but I have one more job to do. I hope it will be easy, but based on my experience at Suzuki’s damned arcade, I know I’m in for a headache. In all the chaos of the police raids, nobody ever collected what Suzuki owes. Surely by now, the bastard must have it.
As if today hasn’t been annoying enough. All I’m looking forward to is seeing Hiro. I can’t wait for us to have dinner tonight at the Lotus. I need to see him, have him beneath me, feel his arms around me, taste his lips.
He’s like a drug, and I just keep wanting more.
I pull up outside the arcade and crack my knuckles. Let this be easy, unlike last time. Suzuki better have the money…
The car door slams behind me. I straighten my suit and enter the arcade. Kids scream and cheer as they play. Arcade machines fill the space with their racket. I catch the eye of a staff member. When she sees me, fear freezes her face.
“Hey, sweetheart.” I smile coldly. “Is Suzuki in?”
Mutely, she shakes her head.
“No?” I rotate my neck so the muscles pop. “Any idea where he might be? He’s behind on what he owes us again, and if he can’t pay, Namikawa can’t afford to keep protecting this business, you understand? Something awful could happen. Like… a fire. You’d be out of a job.”
She wets her lips and whispers something.
“What was that?” I cock my head.
“H-he went to the convenience store. He’ll be back any moment. Please have a seat.”
“Thank you.” I sit on a chair nearby and check the time. Did the asshole forget I was coming? I wait, tapping my feet. The staff eyes me like I’m a shark and there’s blood in the water.
The flaps over the door sway as Suzuki walks in, plastic bag in hand. “Momo is running late. Do you mind staying an hour longer?”
I’m on my feet. Suzuki jumps so bad, he drops his dinner. A couple of onigiri tumble out of his bag.
“Yo. Time to pay the piper.”
All the blood drains from his face. “S-shit. Is today collection day? I… I forgot!”
“Really? That’s what you told me a couple weeks back, too. You know what I smell?” I make a show of inhaling. The smell of his fear makes my fangs sharpen. “A liar.”
Suzuki takes a stumbling step back. “Please. Just wait. Okay? I’ll get it for you next week!”
“Time’s up!” I snap, making him jump. “Pay up now, or you won’t like what Namikawa does.”
Suzuki’s simpering air abruptly vanishes. He sneers and crosses his arms. “And why the hell should I?”
What the hell? When did this guy grow a pair? “What did you say?” I growl.
“The whole neighborhood heard about how you let Saito Takada murder Aida. Then Takada-kai thugs trashed up Tenko’s izakaya. Namikawa is supposed to protect our shops from criminals and rival gangs. Sounds to me like you boys have lost your edge. So, no. I’m not paying. Now get your ass out of my store, wolf!”
“Make me,” I bite out the words.
Suzuki’s eyes widen at the threat. As a woman walks by with her kid, he suddenly shoves her, hard. She shrieks, and I lunge to catch her before she hits her head. In that brief amount of time, Suzuki has disappeared through the doors outside.
“Fuck me,” I mutter, then dash after him.
Outside, the door to Suzuki’s car slams, and the engine starts up. He slams on the gas and steers violently out of his parking space, scratching a parked car. Leaping in my vehicle, I floor it and pursue him. Well, at least my day got more interesting.
For a damn hour, I pursue this guy. He clearly has a destination in mind, leading me on a chase all the way down to the waterfront in Minato.
What the hell is he playing at? My instincts tell me to contact Hideyoshi, to request backup, but I bristle at the thought. I can handle this on my own.