Page 82 of Secrets & Sake
“To talk.”
Katsuki’s mouth quirks in a smile. “Whatever the hell you see in my brother that’s got you so loyal to him.”
My blood’s running hot, so I’m itching for a chance to let out some of that rage. Especially on an asshole like Hiro’s brother. I walk out of the store, but rather than return to the car, I take a detour down an alley. Katsuki follows, eyes boring holes into my ass. Propping myself against the wall, I fold my arms and stare him down.
Dark eyes look me up and down like I’m a piece of meat. Katsuki licks his bottom lip. “You know what my brother’s doing, don’t you?”
I arch a brow. “What exactly?”
Katsuki smirks. “Using you. My family cut him off after he left home. Makes sense he’d latch onto a Sugar Daddy type. What’s got me stumped is what on earth do you see in him? Come on, the sex can’t be that great, right?”
My fingers twitch at my sides. “Sure are curious about your brother’s sex life, aren’t you? Why? That pretty woman of yours not putting out?” I smirk. “Or maybe it’s you who won’t put out.”
Katsuki’s nostrils flare, the only sign that I’ve pissed him off. His eyes comb up and down my body. “Gotta hand it to him. He’s got good taste.”
I huff and fiddle with my cuff sleeve. “Stay away from him. Am I clear?” I tug up my sleeve to flash my tattoos. “I’m very protective of him, and I don’t like it when assholes like you hurt him.”
Katsuki blinks a couple times like he’s trying to process something. Then, he grins and begins to laugh. “No way! You’re a yakuza!”
I shake out my fist, wanting to punch him when he laughs harder.
“Oh, this makes so much sense!”
There’s a tic in my brow.
“He’s not into you for the money, or even your dick. He’s investigating you!”
What the hell’s he talking about?
Beaming ear to ear, Katsuki claps his hands. “Wow! Bravo. My little bro grew some balls!”
“What are you on? Hiro is a photographer. We hired him to take some photos for one of our magazines.” My patience is wearing dangerously thin.
“Jinta is a reporter. He works for the Jiji Shimbun, and if I had to guess, he’s investigating you for some story he’s doing.”
What? I’m too confused to even muster up a retort. That’s not true. Hiro wouldn’t lie to me.
Humor fading, Katsuki approaches me. He grips my jaw, and I’m too baffled to shake him off. “You’re so sexy when you’re confused.” His breath reeks of sake as he leans in and mashes his lips against mine. Disgust makes my stomach churn. Memories of Takada’s spidery fingers and rough kisses has me freezing up. When he shoves his tongue into my mouth, my heart lurches in panic.
No. I’m not a helpless kid anymore. I’m not. I—
“Katsuki!” A furious voice echoes through the alley. Next thing I know, Hiro is there, wrestling his brother to the ground. “Don’t you fucking touch him!” Hiro bellows, voice thick with rage I’ve never heard before. He slams his fist across Katsuki’s nose. Hiro hits his brother again. And again. His fist gets bloodier and bloodier. Katsuki’s eyes roll back, and blood slides down his chin from his nose.
“Hiro, enough!” I seize Hiro’s fist before he can land another punch.
Hiro’s wrist trembles so hard that he’s practically vibrating. Ragged gasps tear from his lips. Those sweet chocolate-brown eyes are unrecognizable, black with fury and wet with tears.
Slowly, I help him stand, but his knees are wobbling so hard I grip his shoulders so he doesn’t fall. Hiro’s lips wobble when he chokes on a gasp, and tears course down his face. Katsuki groans, wiping his nose.
“I…” Hiro whimpers.
“Let’s go,” I say into his ear.
I turn Hiro around and have to walk him back toward the car like he’s a puppet. People stare at us, but a quick glare from me has them averting their eyes. Once Hiro is seated in the car, I climb into the driver’s seat. Hiro’s shaky breaths are loud in the silence between us.
I should say something, comfort him, offer reassurance. But I can’t. My mind is stuck on what Katsuki said. The surety with which he said it.