Page 23 of Curses & Kitsune
“Thank you for bringing him to me, Ishida.”
Ishida just shrugs, jaw tight with anger. “Didn’t do it for you, hunter scum. Just make sure I get to be the one to put a bullet in Noboru’s head. That bastard deserves it.”
Akira hums thoughtfully, making Ishida scowl. “I will consider it. In the meantime, be a good dog and behave yourself.”
Face reddening with indignation, Ishida stomps over to sit on a crate.
Those murky, baggy eyes light up when I meet his gaze. “It’s been years since I’ve laid eyes upon a kitsune.”
Despite the nerves racking my insides, I toss him a sunny smile. “Look while you have a chance. When my mate finds out where I am, he’ll gouge your eyes out.”
A big grin splits Akira’s face, and he barks out a laugh. “I would like to see him try! It will be an honor to skin the Wolf of Asakusa.” He picks disdainfully at the furs he’s wearing. “My own are getting patchy. I need a new coat.”
Disgust makes me gnash my teeth. “What did Raiden ever do to you?”
Akira rolls his shoulders. “Isn’t it obvious, little fox? He’s a werewolf. His kind have no place in this world. They taint the natural order of things and threaten humanity. If we don’t exterminate the animals now, they’ll take over.”
That’s it? Anger makes my fingers curl. “I can’t speak for all werewolves, but Raiden and his pack help keep Tokyo safe. They hunt down criminals who evade justice. There’s plenty of reason to hate yakuza, I’ll give you that. But what about werewolves who aren’t yakuza? Ordinary citizens like anyone else?”
A sneer wrinkles Akira’s face. “Werewolves are not ordinary citizens. They can never be. Their very nature makes them a threat to humanity’s superiority. The Blades will not rest until we’ve cleansed the rot from all of Japan.”
“So, you’re just a bigot. Got it.” Swallowing around the dryness in my throat, I ask, “And what do you want from me?”
“Isn’t it obvious, little fox? You’re bait. That filthy mate of yours is awfully protective of you, isn’t he? He’ll come running to your rescue, but it will be far too late by the time he finds you, of course.” A chuckle escapes his smiling lips, baggy eyes expanding with excitement.
“Why? What are you going to do to me?” I’m not sure I even want to know.
“An exorcism. Sit tight and wait for the priestess. The ritual must be done once the moon has reached its zenith.”
Within me, Tamano-no-Mae shivers with dread. “No,” she whispers. “Not an exorcism! You must escape, or we will both die!”
“Will I… survive?”
Akira gives a fake sympathetic tut. “Unfortunately, the exorcism is quite… complicated. Neither you nor your filthy parasite will survive. But Noboru won’t have to know that sad little detail. Not until he finds your corpse, of course.”
Dread tightens my chest, but only some of it is for me. Fuck. I can’t put Raiden through that pain. He’ll blame himself for the rest of his life—if he survives the encounter with the hunters.
“In the meantime…” Akira’s eyes light up. “Let’s have some fun!”
Searing pain cracks across my jaw as Akira swings at me. I topple onto my side, eyes watering as a bone-deep ache racks my jaw. Howls of malicious laughter echo through the warehouse as the hunters cheer their boss on. I draw my knees to my chest to protect myself, but I grunt when Akira kicks me in the shoulder, rolling me onto my back.
“Look at how weak you are!” Akira jeers, face split in a sadistic grin. “This is the host of an almighty kitsune? How pitiful! You’re nothing!”
I gnaw on my lower lip to stifle my yell as Akira presses his boot into my temple, crushing my head against the ground while the hunters laugh.
“What a disappointment you are.” Lip curling, Akira turns away.
Fury rises within me. I’ve got to figure out a way to escape, and it’s got to be before the moon rises. Or I’ll never see Raiden again.
Chapter 8
“Have you heard from him?” I snap into the phone. My boots are going to set the carpet on fire and burn down the whole building from all my damn pacing.
“No, I’m sorry,” Ren replies. “I can’t get in touch with him.”
Biting back a scream of frustration, I slam a hand against the window. “And what about the guys you sent out to find him?”
“I just called. Nothing yet.”