Page 46 of Method Acting
I waited for Amos to answer first. He didn’t.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I said. “Not sure about this guy, though.” I tapped his leg. “If he’s just processing or just needs some non-people time.”
“I’m fine,” he replied quietly.
Deirdre gave him a pointed nod. “If you need to talk about anything, you come find me. Any time, day or night, okay?”
He nodded.
“Are you comfortable with the displays of public affection?” she asked him. “I know you said you were in the beginning, but how are you feeling about it now?”
He took a second to answer. “Yeah, I’m fine with it.”
She looked at me, sprawled out using Amos as a recliner. “I can see you’re fine.”
I shrugged. “Yep.” Amos said nothing else, and I got the feeling her being here, although well-intentioned, wasn’t helping. “Amos and I need a minute. We’re just gonna chill for a bit, if that’s okay,” I said. “If you need us to leave...?”
“No, you’re fine,” she said, taking the hint and backing off. “You know where to message me.”
She left us alone and soon enough it was just him and me. “Thanks,” Amos mumbled.
“That’s okay,” I replied. “Kinda got the feeling you needed some alone time.”
He snorted quietly. “And yet, here you remain.”
“Because you being alone includes me.”
“I think you need to google the definition of alone.”
“I did. It says to be by oneself with Chase.”
He chuckled, and I made no attempt to get up, get off him, or to move his arm from where it was still draped around me.
It was really freaking nice.
“Is this what couples do?” I asked. “Because this feels good. It’s relaxing and comfortable.”
“Glad you’re comfortable.”
I laughed, but yeah, still not moving.
“And yes, I believe this is what couples do.”
“Is this cuddling or snuggling? You know, if I wanted to give it a name.”
“Cuddling. I guess. Not sure the definition is so specific. Snuggling, I’d assume, is more intimate.”
“More intimate than this?” Because to me, this was pretty damn intimate.
“Like on a couch or bed, more body contact.”
“Naked body contact?”
He laughed. “Not sure. Probably, yes. Naked cuddling? Though not all snuggling requires nakedness.”
“It should. I love being naked.”
He sighed again, but I was sure he was smiling. Without looking up, I could just tell.