Page 67 of Method Acting
“I need to shower,” I said. “Unless you wanna come back to mine? Then we can go to the movie on the beach from there. What’s the time?”
Amos pulled out his phone. “Twenty minutes past four.”
I really had lost track of time.
He hadn’t answered about the shower, so I tried the oldest trick in the book: I batted my eyelashes and pouted. “You haven’t been to my place before,” I whispered, certain the camera couldn’t hear.
He rolled his eyes in defeat. “Fine.”
I beamed at him and barely resisted saying yay!
God, what had I become?
I wrapped my towel around my waist, tying it off, and still shirtless and a little wet, I threw my arm around his shoulder.
I knew the camera was on us, and I knew the viewers would love it.
And me. I did it for me too.
“Ugh, you’re wet,” Amos griped, but his arm came around my back and we walked to the door.
As soon as we were outside where the camera couldn’t see us, he shoved me. “You’re wet. And half naked.”
I laughed. “I’m resisting so hard right now on saying any sexual joke, just so you can appreciate my restraint. I think you should appreciate that.”
Jimmy and Tate laughed, but seeing Daniel follow us out the door, I took Amos’s hand and headed toward my place. “Cameras are still on,” I said quietly.
“Gotta ask,” Jimmy said. “Are the cameras allowed in your bedroom? How far you gotta go?”
“It’s a reality show,” I answered. “You’re thinking of Only Fans, you perv.”
“Why?” Amos asked. “Would you watch?”
Tate and I cracked up laughing, and I was loving that he took no shit from my friends either. I dropped his hand, opting to put my arm around his shoulder again.
I liked touching him. I liked feeling his body close to mine.
He didn’t object, and maybe that was because the camera was behind us. I liked to think it wasn’t.
And maybe when this was all over, I could examine my need for physical closeness with him. I could pull it apart and dissect what was different about him—because I’d certainly never craved contact with anyone else like I did with him.
But first, I needed a shower, and to jerk off because, yeah, I liked the close contact a little too much.
His phone beeped and he took it out. “It’s a message from Bridgette. They’re gonna leave us here and pick up again at the outdoor theater tonight.”
“Okay, cool,” I said.
“Uh, that means you can drop your arm now,” he said.
I kept my arm very much where it was. “I mean, I could. But would Dominic do that? I’m thinking Dominic wouldn’t do that.”
He sighed and shoved me off him. “Elijah would do that.”
Jimmy and Tate both laughed.