Page 97 of Method Acting
I wasn’t sorry. In fact, I’d meant every word.
Especially the part about the nap.
I palmed my forehead. “Sorry. Did you need me for something?”
“Yes,” she began. She put her iPad down on the desk and I knew this was serious. “You both know you’re the public favorite. That’s no secret. The most likes, the most hashtags and reposts. And it’s one hundred percent because of your on-screen chemistry. You’ve put in the effort to appear as an actual couple, going above and beyond, really.”
She had no idea just how above and beyond we actually went.
“And Chase,” she continued, “the scene with your friends in the bar last night was amazing. Having your friend drop the L-word was a stroke of genius.”
I held my breath, squeaking on the exhale.
Oh boy.
There it was, right in front of our faces all over again.
So, so bad.
“So I was thinking for ratings, we could do a public breakup and reconciliation for the finale.”
I stared at her.
God, that was worse.
Amos stared at her. “A third-act breakup scene? Really? That’s so cliché.”
I agreed. “Yeah. I’m not a fan.”
“The viewers would eat that up,” Deirdre added.
“Uh, no. They’d see it for what it is,” Amos said. “Fabricated drama for the sake of ratings is poor form, and quite frankly, it’s lazy.”
“It’s what all reality TV shows do. All the made-up and scripted fights and arguments.” Deirdre smiled at both of us. “I think it could be good.”
Amos shook his head. “Then have one of the other couples do it. Just for once, can we have a positive gay relationship on-screen?—”
I put my hand up. “Bisexual. Not gay.”
He gave me a nod. “Sorry, queer representation?—”
“Thank you.”
He sighed. “Can we not have a positive queer relationship on-screen without the contrite bullshit. Just happy people with solid communication skills in a healthy relationship. Just once. Make the heterosexuals dysfunctional for a change.”
“Yes!” I crowed. “What he said.”
Deirdre seemed to consider it. “Well, what can you two as a couple bring to the finale that fans will love?”
The look Amos gave her was the one where he couldn’t believe he had to say shit out loud. I knew that look well.
“We give them a healthy relationship. Where we’re happy, with solid communication skills.” He looked at me. “Isn’t that right, Chase? Where you don’t run off and try drowning yourself in the pool.”
I shot him a what-the-hell look. “I did not try to drown myself. I do laps. That’s what I do.” Oh, good lord. “Is that what the whole solid communication shit is about? Me?”
“I don’t know if you could even act it out,” he snarled. “I don’t think you’re that good of an actor.”
I glowered at him. “What the fuck does that mean?”