Page 2 of Emperor of Draconis
Chapter 1
The Program
She needed an assistant, but she’d had no luck finding one. Many of the females and even a few of the males didn’t agree with the program to bring Earthers to Draconis. No one ever could explain why they didn’t agree. Someone had clearly bad mouthed the program without really explaining what was wrong with the it.
That would make things harder on her, but she would work on. Right now, the aroma of good food filled her nose and her mouth watered. The cafeteria was full, and she saw Tomi who motioned for them to sit in the kitchen. Her sister who usually didn’t play matchmaker clearly wanted her and Torr together. The rest of the family did too.
“So where are you at with problem issues?” Torr asked as Tomi brought them both plates full of food.
She looked at Torr finding him entirely too appealing. “I have some general issues. And some individual ones. The main thing is we need to find a way to ease the space shock they are hit with. As for the individual issues, we have a female with an anxiety disorder. Her son is a problem child who feeds her issue. I thought to send her and her son to Cretia and her Lord mate, Toreen. If anyone can help someone learn to deal with life’s burdens, it’s Cretia. Her mate and his father can help set an example for the young male.”
“We have a military program for troubled young males. Perhaps he can get into that?”
“I was unaware of that. How do they qualify?”
“They have to be tested physically, mentally, and emotionally. But should he qualify, it will make him a stronger person and assist his mother with his care.” Torr explained.
“Okay. Where do I send him?”
“Just send him to my assistant. He’ll deal with him.”
“Thank you. Is that where to send any others that might qualify from other groups?”
“Sure. Now what else?”
“I need an assistant. No one seems to want to work in the program.” She explained.
“I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you.”
“Dori, what are you doing here?” Torr asked his eyes lit with pleasure.
“Torr, Kitty. I came to sell some pies, but Tomi was so overloaded I helped just a bit.”
Torr hugged her mom. “You’re lucky my mate isn’t here.” Dori said her cheeks pink.
“He has to realize with such a loveable mate that males will give her a bit of attention.”
“You are such a charmer. Don’t you agree, Kitty?” Her mom looked at her waiting for an answer.
“Sure, Mom.”
“I don’t think she really agrees.” Torr observed. “I get the feeling she just puts up with me.”
“Nonsense! She just doesn’t know you well enough yet. I’d best be on my way. I’ve been longer than expected.”
“Tell Garulto hello and I’ll see him soon.” Torr advised.
“See you two, later.” Her mom said as she hurried to the roof. She would fly home and be there in minutes.
It was something to think about, becoming a dragon. All her immediately family had mated and changed fully. She’d seen all their dragons and they were beautiful and impressive. What would hers look like if she did the same? Not that she planned to mate or even look until the program was fully established.
“Where did you go?” Torr asked.
“Just planning and plotting things.”