Page 18 of Tank
Chapter 6
Next Step
Tank had been at Missy’s a couple of weeks and he hadn’t gotten a thing done at his cabin yet. His attention was completely on Missy and he wondered where their relationship would go. The female was so amazing, and he wanted her. There was no other way to describe how he felt. She’d not allowed him to sleep with her since, but maybe she would soon.
It was Friday afternoon and Missy had a meal cooked and a plate set for him. She was a hard worker. The top apartment in the barn was rented, the bottom apartment almost done, and someone was waiting for Jag to get his ass out of the house so they could move in. He couldn’t deny he was glad to see the guy go. Just because he annoyed Missy of course. Places to live were in high demand. She could practically rent a box in the yard, that’s how serious things were.
Missy had cleared one storage shed, partly because she’d needed furniture for the two apartments in the barn. Other items had been sold to her family and a few had gone on EBAY and even other lists online. She didn’t intend to rent it out, but she would use it to clear out the back area of her house which she would rent.
They sat down to eat. “I heard you started on your book.” He mentioned.
“It’s almost done. It’s a short book with lots of illustrations. Melody, a cousin is going in halves with me on it. It’s a children’s book. I can hardly wait. Will you read it when it’s done and tell me what you think?” Missy asked.
“Sure, Sweetheart.”
Missy filled his plate than hers and sat next to him. The food was great, and they ate quickly. “Mind helping a bit?”
“Not at all. What do you need?”
“I’ve finally got the bottom apartment done and rented. Now I need to empty the space in back so I can rent it out too. It will handle a couple or even three people if necessary. Once it’s done, I shouldn’t get any more calls.”
“You ready now?” Tank asked.
“I am.”
As they walked to the back of the house, they talked. “You have any more problems?”
“Not a one. I think the wolves have stopped.”
“I’m glad of that. Is this the room you want to empty?”
“Yes, I’ve sold some things, but these need to go into storage.” Missy explained.
They started working and he carried the heavy things while she got the boxes. The two of them didn’t empty it completely, but they did get a lot done. Before long she’d have this place done too. It had a large room, a bathroom and two other small rooms. The biggest part had been a porch at one time.
“Thank you. It’s a big help.”
“I hope it’s enough. If you need more, I’ll help you more.”
“Yes, I know, but I hate to ask.”
He stepped closer to her and took her in his arms. “I’m always willing to help you. Never forget that.” Then he gave her a sweet kiss that made her melt into a pile of goo.
“I’ll remember.” She said when she was able to speak again.
They parted ways and went to bed. His alpha tendencies fought with his gentlemanly ways. Never before had he been pushy, but he wanted her deep down to his soul. Sleep came eventually and morning light woke him. He was ready to work. Tank headed to the kitchen where Missy had breakfast nearly ready. The aroma of the food made his stomach rumble with hunger.
“Good morning, Missy.”
“Good morning, Tank.” Her smile was beautiful. He set the table and sat waiting for her.
She set the food on the table and filled his plate than hers. ‘Where are we starting today?” She asked.
“Did you buy more fencing?” He asked.
“I did. It’s at the barn. We can haul it where it needs to go with the old UTV or in the back of the truck.”
They finished their food and headed outside. Running the fence to the next pasture, they began to work as they talked. Tank thought they got along well in all things. Was she his one? He was beginning to believe it. Would she make a white bear? He didn’t know. As far as he knew, no bears had mated a white wolf.