Page 9 of Sold to the Gangster
It’s so normal, so domestic, that it makes my heart grow. I want a life like this. Full of the feeling he gives me.
But in order for us to get that, we’ll have to fight for it.
“So,” I start, stabbing a piece of pasta, “what’s the update?”
Axel sighs, but to his credit, he doesn’t keep secrets. “We’re working on eliminating all the threats to your safety.”
You shouldn’t find the fact he’s hurting people for you hot! I think, but damn it, I do. Knowing Axel would go to the ends of the Earth to keep me safe is a heady feeling.
“This is delicious, angel,” Axel says, but when I just pin him with a look, he gives in and gets back to the question at hand. “There’s just one more serious threat left to deal with. The leader has hated me for a long time, and this situation has pushed him over the edge. We’ll find him before anything happens. I won’t let anything hurt you.”
As much as I hate knowing there’s still someone out there who’s after my head, I trust Axel to keep me safe.
I smile up at him, meeting his eyes. “I know you will.”
The ringing of my phone wakes me up like a slap to the face. It’s pitch black, and when I grab the shrieking device, I see that it’s two in the morning. Nobody would call me this late if it wasn’t an emergency.
Instantly, I’m fully awake, adrenaline already pumping through my body as I slip out of bed, careful not to disturb the sleeping angel beside me.
The second I swipe to answer, Jace’s voice fills my ears.
“We found them, Boss,” he says straight to the point.
I’m already tugging on clothes, the plain black outfit we always wear on missions like this. I slip out of the bedroom and jog to the storage room where we keep our weapons and vests. Putting Jace on speaker, I load up on everything I need and tug on a bulletproof vest and black mask that obscures the bottom half of my face.
“Send me the location and meet me there,” I tell him. “We need to hit them hard. They can’t get away.”
We hang up, and when I exit the storage room, I nearly run into Nick. I’m never alone, and ever since Ava arrived, I’ve made sure there are always other people here to protect her.
“I woke up when I heard you running about,” he explains, and I quickly fill him in on what’s happening.
“Stay here and protect my girl at all costs,” I demand. I hate to leave her, but I know it’s to keep her safe. If we can take these guys down, she’ll be free to live a life without fear. If all goes well, I’ll be back before she’s awake with good news to wish her good morning.
Nick nods, grabbing a gun and shoving it in his waistband. He knows better than to be trusted to watch the thing that’s most precious to me in the entire world unarmed.
With one last nod in his direction, I rush out to my bike.
I ignore the speed limit, the engine revving and dust flying up behind me. I skid to a stop and dismount at the meeting place, yanking my helmet off and greeting my men who are waiting for me already.
It takes us mere minutes to arrange a plan and head out. The seemingly abandoned cabin our mark was spotted at is dark and quiet, but I know better than to assume that means it’s empty.
I give the signal, and we swarm. The front door gets kicked in, and in seconds I’m leading my men inside, guns raised.
I expect to be greeted by a spray of bullets or at least some shouting, but … nothing happens.
“Search it,” I order, and two of my men peel off to obey. With all the exits covered, there’s nothing to do but wait until the two who were searching return, both shaking their heads.
“It’s empty,” one of them confirms.
The second rushes to add, “They were here earlier. I’m sure of it.”
I know they wouldn’t lie to me. My men are loyal to the death, which means that our mark was here. But he’s not now.