Page 22 of Worth the Risk
“Nothing I can do. We both need to keep our jobs. I already think the head coach is out to get me. He’s made some comments to my face … I don’t think I can rock the boat at all. He’s gunning for any reason to aggravate me. I think he’s hoping for bad publicity so he can trade me,” I tell Sebastian quietly. He leans back in his chair and studies me.
“Doesn’t sound like the Luca I know. Since when have you backed down from a challenge?” he asks.
“Not the same as something dumb like chugging a bottle of tequila, or asking three women out at the same time, man,” I say roughly, rolling my eyes. He laughs.
“No, but you’ve also never let anyone tell you what to do, or how to act other than your mom. You want this girl?” he asks, and I nod. “Then figure out a way to get her.”
“I don’t know, man,” I sigh. “Could be more trouble than it’s worth.”
“Speaking of trouble,” Sebastian says as he clears his throat, “how’s your sister doing?”
I raise an eyebrow, studying him. “Which sister?”
“How do you know my sister, Seb?”
He clears his throat again, scratching at his arm. “Run into her a few times here and there. I’ve used her bakery for a couple of events here, as well as club events.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“Well, now you do.”
“Are you interested in my sister, Seb?” I ask. He looks at me nervously, and I have to admit that it’s difficult to keep a straight face. This larger-than-life MC president is nervous to talk to me about my sister. Some guys might stand taller and act all big, but I’m not like that. Sebastian might be able to take me down if he wanted to, but Isabella is no slouch. She’d eat him alive.
“Nah. I mean, I don’t think your sister has any interest in me. She’s bitten my head off more than once,” he admits.
“Really? For what?”
A slight pink dampens Sebastian’s neck as he chuckles. “I may have insinuated she couldn’t carry a couple dozen cupcakes into the bar.”
“And why did you do that?”
“I was trying to be fucking gallant, Luca. I wanted to impress her, obviously. And she just lit into me,” Sebastian shouts. I throw my head back in laughter.
“If you want to get with my sister, Seb, you have to figure out the way to her heart.”
“What is it?”
“I’m not fucking telling you that. You gotta figure it out,” I tease. While I’m not completely sure what Belle would want or expect from a man, I do know she doesn’t want a man to come in and take care of her. She’s a proud and confident woman. If Seb is the man for her, he’ll figure it out.
Dominic and Leo are going to destroy him once they get wind of his interest, though. No man will ever be good enough for Belle in their eyes. My oldest brother, Alex, won’t care. He’s as nonchalant about our sisters having relationships as I am.
“Listen, Luca, if I were to pursue your sister, are you really okay with that? I don’t want to rock the boat here.” I resist the urge to smile, but damn I can’t wait to watch this all go down.
“It’s cool, man. Go for it. She’s gonna put you through the wringer. You know that, right?”
Sebastian chuckles. “I wouldn’t expect any less.”
Studying him, I’m overcome with jealousy. There’s nothing holding him back from going to Isabella right now and telling her he’s interested. No workplace drama. No aggravating boss, or nosey neighbors. He could take Belle out tonight, in public, and enjoy being with her. For the first time in my life, I’m fucking jealous of a man who wants a relationship.
I know I need to forget about Hannah. There are too many complications there. I have to forget about her.
Easier said than done.
As I’m leaving Sebastian’s bar, Arianna calls me.
“You get things worked out with your girl?” she asks cheerfully when I answer the phone.