Page 45 of Worth the Risk
“Then hop to it.”
“Okay,” Jessica says, clearing her throat, “we want to do the ‘what’s in the box’ game with as many of the guys that will do it. We’ve seen some sports teams do it where all of the items were things that had to do with their sport, but we’d like to do the opposite. So instead of hockey items, it would be all things figure skaters use.”
Huh. That actually might get some traction. “Okay, get me a list of items by the end of the week that we could use.”
“Oh, wow. Okay. We can do that,” Lindsay says.
“What’s next?”
“Well, Lindsey and I did a deep dive into the team’s social media channels, and we saw something totes ridic.”
“What’s that?” I ask.
“No one ever posts live play-by-plays.”
“Yes, I do. I always post the goals, penalties, and any fights,” I defend.
“No, we mean like every little detail. Which players are out there. Who isn’t doing well. It would be like a live broadcast in written form,” Jessica explains.
“What are you suggesting?” I ask.
“Hire someone to live-tweet the games. It wouldn’t even have to be someone who travels with the team. Just someone who has access to all of the games. And definitely not on the main Wolves accounts. Make secondary accounts that are just for live events. Not us, though,” Jessica says.
“Why not you?” I ask, intrigued.
Lindsay giggles. “Oh, um, we don’t really understand hockey.”
I laugh. “That’s valid. I didn’t either, when I took the job.”
“Really? Why did you take the job then? If you don’t mind me asking,” Jessica says.
“My experience up until this point was with social media for a college football team. I wanted a new experience, and wanted to get out of Georgia. When this position opened up, I was all too thrilled to apply.”
Jessica and Lindsay look at each other, as if having a silent conversation. “So, um, it wasn’t to get closer to the players?”
“No,” I laugh, “not at all. I was around tons of players in Georgia, but definitely never dated one. My boyfriend back home was in finance.”
“Are you still dating him?” Lindsay asks.
“Why’d you break up?” she presses.
I sigh. “I’d rather not get into that, ladies. Like I said, I wanted to get out of Georgia. He was one of the reasons. Suffice it to say, I realized he wasn’t a very nice guy.”
Lindsay chews on her lip. “Well, um, some guy asked about you at the front desk while I was walking in. I thought he had an accent like yours. Very preppy looking. Definitely out of place here.”
I can feel my pulse skyrocket. “What color hair?”
“Blonde. Like super blonde.”
Shit. That’s Jefferson.
I immediately turn off my computer and stand up. “Listen, girls, I know we haven’t always been on the same page. But I could really use your help right now. My ex … he’s not a good guy. I don’t want to see him. I need to get out of here.”
Jessica jumps up. “We got you, girl. Hang tight.”
She and Lindsay run out of my office as I bag my belongings, before they return with one of the security guards, Hank.