Page 84 of Worth the Risk
Luca lets out a loud laugh as he unlaces his skates. “Not even a little bit. You’re the most genuine woman I’ve ever met. When we’re together, you treat me as Luca, the guy who irritated you from next door. You don’t look at me as Luke, the hockey guy with a padded bank account.”
“I fell for you before I knew who you were,” I confess.
Luca stands, cupping my face with both hands. “No, baby. You fell for me knowing exactly who I am.”
“Oh? And who are you?” I ask, and Luca smiles.
While I was surprised to find Hannah standing in the visitor’s locker room at the Seattle Serpents arena, I wasn’t all that shocked when she announced she felt Woodward was in cahoots with the other team. Not only was I on the ice almost double the amount of minutes I’d been allowed over the last few weeks, but the Serpents really had it out for me.
I knew it was bad when asshat Gabe Dawson was coming to my defense and ensuring I was okay.
I also knew I wouldn’t be continuing on with the Wolves one more game.
Twenty year old players can take a beating, get completely shit-faced, and still make it to morning skate the following day. As a thirty-year-old hockey defenseman, I’ve seen my fair share of beatings over the years. But nothing like this, and definitely not one I can recoup from in a day or two.
Looking back, I’ll realize this was Woodward’s hope. Give me a brutal assault on the first day of the away cycle, guaranteeing I’d perform well below my ability for the rest of the games. Then I’d either bow out myself, or he’d be able to field low-ball offers for a trade.
As much as I’d love to stick it to him, I’m tired. And Hannah is way more important than any bullshit games with an NHL coach nursing his ego. Nothing I can say will convince him I didn’t sleep with his wife. The fact of the matter is, she obviously slept with someone. I was the easiest scapegoat.
But, in all honesty, I wouldn’t change a damn thing, because I have Hannah. My nonna, as crazy as she is, truly believes that everything happens for a reason. It’s not exactly the same as karma or kismet, but it basically means that we learn from every situation. Every experience. From all of this, I learned that, without Hannah, my life is meaningless. I’d rather have her than all the Cups. Hannah is my Holy Grail.
“Do you want to take anything else?” Hannah whispers as I grab her hand and walk toward the exit.
“Nope. Got my skates, and got you. That’s all I need,” I tell her, bringing her knuckles to my lips.
“Santzy, yo! What the fuck?”
I look over and see Dawson staring at us. I try to get between him and Hannah, but my little Pixie beats me to it. She lets go of my hand, marches up to Dawson, and shoves him as hard as she can.
“Woah! Calm your terrier, man,” Daws says as Hannah pummels him with her firsts.
“How involved were you in this shit, Gabe? Tell me the truth!” Hannah hisses.
“Baby, it’s okay. Let’s just go,” I cajole her.
“Not until he answers me,” she says stubbornly, crossing her arms over her chest and tapping her shoe impatiently. “Come on, Daws. Answer.”
“I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking, but Coach told me to come get you? He says you’re in first line again,” Gabe says slowly.
I sigh. “Sure does seem like he’s playing me a lot, huh.”
“It does.”
“Did he tell you ahead of time he’d be replacing you with me?” I ask.
A crease forms between Gabe’s eyebrows as he digests the information. “Not exactly, but I did overhear something with one of the Seattle coaches that made me wonder.”
“Did he insinuate he wanted Luca hurt tonight?” Hannah asks.
Gabe nods. “I didn’t put it together until you were really getting railed on out there. You okay, man?”
“I’ll be alright.”
Gabe nods. “I take it you’re not returning? Does Coach know this?”