Page 27 of The Arrangement
I stepped from the car, pulling on a jacket and flipping up the hood. It wouldn’t look strange on the cool, crisp morning to be wearing a hood, so it was an added bonus that it could help to conceal my identity from any nearby cameras. I rubbed my hands together as I made my way toward the trunk, pulling out a bag of clothes the kids had outgrown, a box from an Amazon package that had arrived a few weeks ago—shipping label removed—a baby bath we’d had sitting in the garage for years, and the freshly bleached bat. I carried them all under my arms as I made my way toward the dumpster, checking my surroundings every few steps.
A few people walked past, not paying me any attention as they made their way toward their destinations—some on phones, some sipping coffees, some with headphones on—oblivious to anything else happening around them.
The alley was wide, littered with old, broken pallets and wet boxes. I scurried toward it, ignoring the sign that said it was for North End Property tenants only, and dumped the items in among black bags of garbage and empty boxes from soda syrup. I heaved a sigh, rubbing my hands together to warm them and adjusting the items so they covered the bat.
When I turned around, to my relief, no one was there to see what I’d done. I walked away, trying to ease the worry that had grown in me. The second I left the bat, I knew, it would be out of my control. Anyone could find it. Anyone could turn it in. But to keep it at our house or in our cars seemed like even more of a risk. It was too dangerous. I continued to walk back to my car, feeling sick to my stomach. I cut off an elderly couple on their way down the sidewalk, arms locked together as they talked in hushed tones.
“Sorry,” I apologized, holding up a hand. I tucked my chin to my chest and walked quicker, my hands trembling as I pulled out my keys, unlocked the doors, and started the car. I flipped on the heat, rubbing my hands together once more as I tried to still my tremor-ridden, adrenaline-filled body.
As I pulled out onto the street, my phone began to ring, causing me to hold my breath as I waited for the caller’s name to fill the screen on my dashboard. When I saw it was only Glennon, I released the breath and pressed the button on my steering wheel to answer the call.
“Hey, love, what are you doing today?”
“I’m on my way to work this morning. Why?”
“I was just checking in on you. I thought maybe you could use some company. You’re off at noon, right?”
“Around then, yeah,” I said, thinking quickly. I wished that the only secret I had to keep from my best friend was that Peter and I had tried an open marriage briefly. The newest secret was so much bigger and would be so much more difficult to keep. Glennon could read me like a book, she always had been able to, so I needed more time to get the lies in order before I could see her.
“Great. Wanna meet for coffee after that?”
“I’d love to, but I can’t. I’ve got something planned with Peter and the kids.”
“Ooh, fun! What are you doing?”
“We’re going to attempt family pictures,” I said with a forced laugh.
“That’ll be so nice, babe! How long has it been since you had pictures? Maisy was a baby, right?”
“Yeah, basically.” The genuine excitement for us in her tone was killing me. “I’m not sure how it’ll go, but that’s the plan.”
“Are you doing a whole tripod-in-the-yard thing? Need a photographer? My rates are good,” she teased.
“No, we’ve got one. But thanks for the offer.” I kept my tone cool and light. “One of Peter’s coworkers has a daughter who’s started her own photography company. We’re going to give her a shot, help her get some experience. She’s super affordable, so if it goes well, I’ll give you her info in case you and Seth want to try her out.”
“Oh, fun. I love it. I can’t wait to see them.”
“Thanks, yeah, you know I’ll send some your way.”
“Thanks, love…” She was quiet. I knew there was something else she wanted to say.
“You okay?”
“Mhm, everything’s fine. Sorry, I zoned out there for a minute. Okay, well, I’ll see you later then. Have fun at work.”
“Hey, wait!” I called, trying to stop her from hanging up.
“Are you sure you’re okay? Is something wrong?”
“Nah,” she said, her voice a low growl, as if she’d recently woken up. “I’m fine. I just wanted to call and check in.”
“I miss you,” I said, though I had no idea why. I needed to keep her away, not give her further reasons to come by.
“I miss you, too. I’ll see you soon though, right?”