Page 35 of The Arrangement
“Sounds delightful. I’m looking forward to it,” I teased. “And how’s the diet going so far?”
“It’s not a diet, love.” She put her hands out, held in Jnana Mudra as if she were meditating. “It’s a lifestyle.”
“Well, how’s your lifestyle going, then?” I asked, eating another carrot with a smirk on my face.
“We started yesterday, and I’ve stuck with it,” she said proudly. “Even Seth is going along with this one. His cholesterol has been up at the last few doctor’s appointments.”
“Good for you, babe,” I said seriously. “I’m proud of you. This is one diet I can get on board with. And you know I’ll eat anything you make. I don’t think you’ve ever made anything I don’t like.”
She laughed, loud and boisterous, and picked up her glass of wine. “Have you forgotten about the cookies I made with almond flour when we were on keto?”
I laughed with her, remembering it well. “The sand cookies! Oh my god, how did I forget? Okay, fair enough, I take it back. Most of the things you cook are delicious, so I’m sure these will be, too.”
“I’ve got beans and rice as a side, so if we don’t like these, we have a backup. And veggies, lots and lots of veggies.”
“Lovely. Let me help you carry them to the table.” I reached for the jars of sauce sitting on the counter, and she touched my arm, stopping me from walking away. When I looked over at her, her face was serious.
“Hey, before the guys get back in here… What happened?” she asked, keeping her voice barely above a whisper. “Are you guys okay?”
I forced a smile. “Oh, yeah. It’s okay, it’s nothing.”
“Did he do something wrong?”
I shook my head, my lips pressed together. “Not really, no.”
She appeared hurt, releasing my arm. “Why are you shutting me out so much lately? Have I done something wrong?”
“No!” I said. “Of course not. No, it’s an issue with Peter and me, and he feels uncomfortable with me talking too much about it. You know I’ll tell you everything when I can.”
“Is he cheating on you?”
My breathing quickened, and I forced myself to look away. “Why would you ask that?”
“Because he’s a man,” she said flatly.
I shook my head, moving into the dining room. “It’s nothing like that, trust me. You know I wouldn’t be sticking around if that was it.”
She stopped in her tracks, and when I reached the table and looked back in her direction, she seemed hurt. Before I could say anything, she asked, “You’d leave him?”
“Of course I would.” I scoffed. “Was there ever any question?”
“Just like that? You wouldn’t consider counseling or…I mean, what about the kids?”
I cocked my head to the side, placing the jars onto the table. “Is there any amount of counseling that would make a cheater less of a cheater? And as for the kids, I wouldn’t want any of them to stay in a loveless marriage, so why would I stay in one myself?”
“But…just because he cheated…it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you.”
“What are you talking about, Glennon?” I asked her, hearing the men’s voices growing near the room. “Where is this coming from?”
“Nothing. You know me. I’m just rambling,” she said, her face growing red as she shuffled past me and set the platter of food down. Moments later, our husbands reappeared, beers in hand, and joined us at the table. Glennon wouldn’t meet my eyes as we sat, and Seth filled the silence with talk of his travels and the merger.
I wasn’t listening, only nodding along as I ran her question over and over in my head.
What was she talking about?
Why had she asked so many questions about Peter cheating on me?
What did she know?