Page 10 of Desired Bear
“Of course, it’s an honor to show Corey around. I’m more than happy to do it. But you know how I wanted to fix that truck?” Why did that sound like a question?
Russ let out a bellowing laugh. “That truck’s been broken for longer than we’ve been here. It’ll probably remain broken. Have fun today, boss.” He clapped Zane on the shoulder and walked across the street. “Welcome to Windridge, Corey! We’ll have your car back in ship-shape in no time!”
“Thank you.” I turned to Zane. “Shall we continue our tour?” I gave him my widest grin, unable to stop the teasing smile.
“Of course.”
He thanked Cynthia and Carmen, and then we walked along the sidewalk. It was as if a magnet pulled me closer to Zane’s side. I wanted to hold his hand or maybe have his arm around my shoulder, heck, I’d accept just brushing against him from time to time.
More than that, I wanted to learn everything there was about him.
The fated mate pull was strong. I was sure this was what I was experiencing, even if he denied it. In hindsight, I wonder if Russ sensed it too, and that was why he was so quick to push his friend to stay with me.
Would I do to my own children what my parents had done to Aydan and me? If I let the mate pull consume me the way they had them? My parents—they were not who I wanted to be. They were not who I wanted anyone to be. They practically abandoned Aydan and me as soon as we could hunt for ourselves. They were consumed with their need for one another, it was like nothing else existed in their world.
Zane’s hand came to my shoulder.
“Is everything all right?” he said.
I suddenly turned and said, “Fine.” I pasted on a smile. I was very much not fine. “Everything’s fine,” I lied. “I do appreciate you showing me around today.”
“Of course,” he said. “I’m happy to do it.” Even though he just tried to pass me on to someone else.
I chuckled. “Well, you’re obligated to do it.”
He let out a long breath. “Yes, I did volunteer, and I am obligated because it was a command from my Alpha. But I’m happy to spend time with you.”
It seemed to pain him to admit that. Was it because he didn’t want this attraction or because of the fact that I was promised to another? Was he maybe scared of my brother? I never had been, but he’d always been my protector, so I saw him differently than others.
I might’ve been promised to another, and perhaps it was wrong of me to flirt with this bear. But my beast told me that he was mine. There was no denying him, the way he denied me.
His scent called to me, and I had learned to always trust my instincts. But what if they were wrong this time? What if instead of leading me into the future I long for, they were leading me down the same path my parents had taken? What if I was like them after all?
Chapter 6
Corey’s scent followed me no matter where I went. It clung to me, and as much as I loved it, I hated it… hated the way it reminded me of what I couldn’t have… what I would never have. Stupid fate.
After dropping Corey back off at his new home, I tried to return to work and failed miserably. How foolish I’d been thinking that grease and engines and Russ would distract me from my omega. Only he wasn’t my omega. He was the Alpha’s brother, and there was no distracting me from him.
His scent was there, clinging to my skin, my clothes, and tickling my nostrils. And because I’d taken him all around the territory, that’s where his scent was too—everywhere. And worse than that, I saw him everywhere. And not just in my imagination. He wasn’t the kind of accountant who stayed home hidden away. No. He was Mr. Social Butterfly.
He’d mingled so well with the rest of the den. There wasn’t a shy bone in his body, and the way he interacted with everyone was so authentic and real you couldn’t help but like him. He wasn’t as serious as his brother. He set everyone at ease when they met. He was going to be a fantastic member of the den, which meant I was never going to be able to get away from his scent.
This sweet torture was going to be my life.
I’d been so focused on not going against my word, that the fact that he would be here permanently, mated to another, had somehow not sunk in until now. How could I possibly continue on as if this was totally normal, as if I didn’t desire him with every fiber of my being? I’d say it would get easier with time, only if the past day had taught me anything, it was that the pull toward him got stronger, not weaker.
This went well past physical attraction, although gods, was that there.
My bear craved his touch, but also his conversation, his smile, his presence.
As Corey met members of the den, he’d asked them questions about themselves. He’d set up dinners and playdates and conversations so that he could fully immerse himself into the den. He was perfect. Absolutely fucking perfect. He wasn’t just a random omega coming in to even numbers—he was here for all the right reasons, and it showed.
But even so, he couldn’t be mine.
I closed up my laptop and put it in my bag. I planned to give it to him so that so he didn’t need to work at the actual shop tomorrow. His scent may still be hanging in the air everywhere I went, but I didn’t need to amplify it at the place I spent the most time. This was difficult as it was.