Page 12 of Desired Bear
I wanted to meet his bear, to get to know his other half. There was a strong possibility I was setting myself up for more heartache as I stepped outside naked, but I didn’t care. I needed this, and before it could get awkward, I shifted to my bear form and lumbered down the deck steps. I was much smaller than him, but we were of the same color.
He watched as I walked up to him and touched my nose to his, then rolled over and exposed my belly. I pawed at him playfully. My bear was in heaven. He was with his mate, and unlike me, he didn’t hold a single worry about what consequences there might be from this. There were some times I needed to be more like my bear, and this was one of those.
My mate stood there, not reacting poorly, per se, but also not really reacting at all. He watched with large brown eyes but didn’t move. Maybe Zane was one of those types that did not enjoy the playtime that came with being a bear, but I did.
After a long moment, he hopped and stood on his back legs, then swatted at me in a playful way. I chuffed out a laugh and rolled over, joy flooding through me. If he wanted to play, we could play, and so we did—pushing and pawing at one another, wrestling to the ground and rolling in the grass, behaving as bears did. It. was. Everything.
Except it didn’t stay playful, not in the same way. When he had me pinned to the ground, my nose buried in his neck, the scent of him engulfed me, and I couldn’t stop my shift from taking over. Before I knew it, I was pinned underneath him in my human form. And then, within moments, he was also in his human form, gazing down at me with those soft brown eyes.
I reached up my hand and trailed my fingers down his cheek. He shuddered under my touch, his eyes fluttering and his breath hitching.
“Your bear is beautiful,” I said. He was so much more than that, but it was a start.
“As is yours.”
“Though quite smaller than you.” I didn’t think that would be a problem, but it might be. Some shifters were weird about their beasts not being similar in all ways. It was a weird stance, but out there.
He laughed. “Nearly everyone is smaller than me. I quite like you just the way you are.”
My heart melted. Never before had those words been uttered to me. My gaze drifted to his lips. Gods, how I wanted to feel them pressed against my own, to taste them.
“Kiss me,” I whispered. It was an idea of the worst kind. I was practically engaged to another. Zane had said he was off-limits, but yet I couldn’t resist, couldn’t stay away from him even if I wanted to. “Please, alpha. Kiss me.”
When his lips lowered onto mine, time stood still. There weren’t fireworks, no explosions, just time ceasing to exist. In that moment it didn’t matter that I was the Alpha’s brother and he was a Beta. I was just an omega, and he was my alpha. I knew it as sure as I knew my name.
I moaned against his kiss, arching my body higher so that I could feel more of him. His weight pressed against me, keeping me secure in the safest of bear hugs. If I stayed like this forever, I’d be the happiest bear on this planet. And yet, he managed to make it better.
His lips left mine, and I whimpered.
He chuckled against my neck as he left featherlike kisses against my skin. He worked his way down my body, one sweet kiss at a time. I was powerless to resist him. His own concerns about us being together must have slipped away from him, because everything about the way he was moving shouted that he was all in.
His words? That was a different story.
“This is a terrible idea,” he said when his lips hit the V above my groin. My cock stood at attention, waiting for his touch, pleading for it.
“Do it anyway,” I begged, not caring where we were or the circumstances surrounding us. I needed this—needed him. “Do it anyway.”
And he did.
Another sweet kiss on my hip and he hovered over my cock, his warm breath tickling my length. He closed his mouth over my cock, sucking me down as far as he could go, without a single hesitation.
I gripped the grass beneath me to keep from bolting upright at the heat of his mouth.
He flicked his tongue over my shaft and cupped my balls with his hand. It was more than I could take, my orgasm already so close, and he’d only just started. My hands flew to his head, and I buried my fingers in his dark curls.
He didn’t let up. He held my hips still while he worked my cock, licking, nibbling, sucking, and doing some magic thing with his togue around my tip. The man was going to kill me, but what a fucking way to go.
“Oh, fuck. I’m going to come.” I tried to pull him off me, not wanting this to be over so soon. I knew that once it did, the real world would come crashing back down on us, and I didn’t want that—not yet. I wanted to dwell in this one where lips and tongues did the talking.
Instead of heeding my direction, he doubled down, his nose buried in the short hair at the base of my cock. He swallowed, and that’s when the fireworks started.
Stars burst behind my eyes as I came down his throat.
“Mate!” I shouted, unable to hold back. He was mine. Fuck all the noise. He was mine.
He moaned around my spent cock. Drinking down everything I had to give, but not once mirroring the words back to me, not once declaring me his.
My head fell back onto the grass, my body limp. He rested his head on my belly, not saying a word. There was much to say, but anything spoken now would ruin this, and I wasn’t willing to risk that.