Page 9 of Untouchable
Why am I calling her that? Truthfully, I don’t know. It rolled out earlier, and it happened again now.
“I’ll get us some tea,” I say, rolling up from the bed.
She grips my arm. Her hands are small and soft. “No. You ran away last time you said it. Tell me why you’re calling me that.”
Her touch alone is enough to arouse me. Not only because she’s beautiful, but because there’s something innocent about her that makes me want to keep her safe, know every detail of her life, and give her the world.
“I don’t know why I keep saying it. Does it bother you?”
She looks away, her cheeks red. “No, but… I want to know what you mean by it.”
My palms ache to reach out and cup her face, but I hold still. “I think it means that you’re little and mine to protect.”
She swallows hard. “I’m not little.”
“You are to me. Do you want some tea? It’ll help you sleep.”
Her gaze meets mine in the dark room. The only light is from the small crack in the curtain. It looks like there is a bend in the rod.
“Thanks for being here and for… caring. You don’t have to be so nice.”
“I want you to feel protected, little one.” The words come out again, and like the beat of my heart, I can’t stop them.
She glances toward me. “How are you not married with like ten kids? You’re really sweet when you want to be.”
Half a smile lifts my cheek. “Can you imagine being married to an ogre like me? Shit, I wasn’t made for that.”
“Says who?”
“Says me.” I stroke my hand over my beard, allowing myself a second to imagine what she’s asking. “I’m too old now, anyway. Middle age isn’t the best time to start a family. Your knees start going and your back feels like it’s on the verge of quitting daily.”
She laughs. “Whatever! You’d be a great dad.” Her gaze meets mine. “A good husband too, I’d guess. I mean, I’d like a big guy like you around.”
“Until I eat all the food in the kitchen and miss all the feelings you needed to talk about.” I follow it up with a brief laugh.
A slow smile stretches onto her face, and it takes everything inside of me not to devour her. “I think I could keep you fed, and I’m pretty straightforward about my feelings so you couldn’t miss ‘em.”
I lean in. “What are you feeling right now?”
“I’m feeling safe.” Her gaze drops to my lips and up again. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she wanted my lips on hers. Then again, I’m not good at this shit, so probably not. “I can’t tell you the last time I felt like someone else was looking out for me.”
“It’s been nice for me to care for you. I’m glad you’re letting me. A lot of women these days like to push against men who want to care for them.”
“I get it. Women don’t want to be seen as submissive.”
“Why isn’t it bothering you then?” I shouldn’t ask, but the words slide out before I think them through.
She shrugs. “Sometimes I don’t like it either. I mean, I spent years traveling on my own, taking care of myself. And now, I run this yoga studio. I feel pretty dominant in everything I do. But…” Her cheeks turn red again. “But when I’m out there being a boss-bitch, I’m thinking about this.”
“What’s this?”
“This.” She wets her lips. “I’m thinking about a big guy who’ll take the burden off my shoulders. Someone who wants to keep me safe. Someone who’ll put his hand on my throat and tell me I’m his,” she laughs, “but I think I might be describing a book boyfriend.”
I swallow hard and will my cock to stay asleep. Is she asking me to grip her throat and make her mine? Reality mixes with fantasy and I lose myself in a haze of feral desire.
My heart rate picks up, my palms ache, and without thought, I roll over and pin her to the bed. My hand is in hers and the other frames her wide hips. I snarl, “Like this?”
The words linger in the air for a long while as our gaze stays locked on one another. Her eyes are shiny, glossy, and soft despite the fact that I’ve pinned her down. Her skin is flush, and her breath is held. She could be resisting, but she’s not.