Page 29 of Tamed
Jevara reached the main floor and faced off with the auburn-haired male. “You promised not to fail, so where is my goddam conduit?” Apparently, the angry question wasn’t impactful enough because Jevara shoved the other male.
“I tried to bring you one but there were complications beyond my control.” Who was he? Only someone who knew the emperor well would dare to speak to him so angrily.
“A good commander anticipates complications.” Jevara stressed his displeasure with another shove. “You are fucking useless!”
“I had no idea the warship would be there and you know it. I set my trap for a hunter team. Cylex ambushed me with a warship.”
“Irrelevant!” Jevara’s voice became shrill as he stomped his foot. “You failed. You failed. You failed! At every fucking turn you failed.” He sounded deranged and looked as if he might tear into the other male with his bare hands.
The other male suddenly punched Jevara right in the face. The emperor’s arms flapped wildly trying to prevent his fall. It did no good. Jevara slammed down across the stone stairs. A loud thunk echoed in the room as his head connected with the carved marble. Blood flowed out from beneath his head and Kendra sensed the energy flowing out of Jevara’s body. She felt him grow colder and colder until there was no spark, no heartbeat, no life left in the emperor.
White noise returned and the vision faded, releasing Kendra’s mind.
“Kendra. Kendra,” Eden was calling, and Ansley knelt beside Kendra’s chair.
Blinking repeatedly, Kendra tried to clear her mind. It was hard to focus and flashes of the vision remained.
Ansley lightly slapped Kendra’s fingers. “Come on, Kendra. Come back to us.”
Jevara was dead or soon would be. Did that mean the war was over? “Zevon,” Kendra whispered. “I need Zevon.” She started to stand up, but Eden urged her back down.
“You stay put,” Eden insisted. “He can come here.” When Kendra didn’t argue or try to rise, she added, “What the hell just happened?”
“Have you ever had a seizure before?” Ansley asked. “I’m pretty sure that’s what this was.”
Kendra shook her head. “I saw… this was a new power.”
“You had a vision?” Eden pulled out the chair next to Kendra and sat down. “What did you see?”
She started to tell them but hesitated, her certainty ebbing as her mind cleared. She wasn’t even sure if what she’d seen was real. Wouldn’t the entire star system be in an uproar if someone had killed Jevara? “I don’t know. I’m hoping Zevon can help me untangle the images.”
“I’ll comm him and ask him to…”
Their telepathic link must have alerted her mates because Zevon strode into the dining room with Arcon on his heels.
Zevon reached her first and swept her up into his arms. “Are you all right, mate? Your emotions were extremely confusing.”
The demand in his deep voice made Kendra smile. “I’m fine. Really.”
“Comm us later,” Eden urged as Zevon headed for the doorway with Kendra in his arms. “Let us know what this was about.”
After acknowledging the request with a wave, Kendra focused on her mates. “I don’t need a doctor,” she insisted when she realized they weren’t headed toward their apartment. “I had a vision, not a seizure.”
Zevon’s steps faltered and his eyes locked with hers, but he continued along the corridor. “I want you checked out anyway.”
Kendra felt drained and slightly queasy, so she simply wrapped her arms around his neck and relaxed in his strong embrace.
Dr. Damaris motioned them into one of the private treatment rooms as soon as she saw Zevon carrying a female. “Is she injured? What are her symptoms?”
“Her abilities were recently released and she just had some sort of vision,” Zevon explained. “I want to make sure she was not harmed by the uncontrolled surge of energy.”
“Of course. Set her on the table.”
Zevon placed Kendra on the treatment table, then moved to the other side so the doctor could access her instruments. She activated a full body scanner, then offered Kendra a gentle smile. “Are you comfortable with these two staying or shall I have them escorted from the clinic?”
“We’re courting,” she answered with a faint smile. “They can stay.”
Surprise arched Damaris’ brows but a soft smile curved her lips. “Most believe our president is a devout bachelor who cannot be tempted by any female. I’ve known him for many cycles, however, so I am not surprised by this development. Congratulations. He will make a strong and honorable mate.” The beam passed over Kendra’s body twice then cycled off. The doctor studied the data for a few moments then said, “All of your systems are functioning within expected parameters. In fact, you’re in remarkably good health. There is one more test I’d like to run, but it requires an injection. Do I have permission to administer it?”