Page 37 of Tamed
“How much trouble should you be in?” Zevon countered as he pushed to his feet.
The question sounded rhetorical, so she just watched him silently.
He moved to her side and said, “Lower wrist restraints.”
A panel above her head slid open and a set of padded wrist cuffs slowly lowered from somewhere inside the ceiling. She knew he had bondage equipment stashed all over the apartment but she’d never seen this apparatus before. He closed one cuff around each of her wrists. The mechanism engaged with a menacing click.
“Tighten cables until I say stop,” Zevon instructed the apartment’s AI.
The slack in the cables decreased until Kendra was drawn onto the balls of her feet. She felt off-balance and vulnerable, somehow more exposed, which didn’t make sense because she’d been naked since entering the room.
Zevon walked to the inset compartment beside the bed and removed a flogger, or this star system’s equivalent. The strands varied in width and the handle had a decidedly phallic shape. Did he intend to fuck her with it after he used the wicked falls to warm her skin?
When he stood directly in front of her, he looked into her eyes. His expression was grim and severe. His golden gaze filled with challenge. “Did you intentionally harm another conduit?”
She taught a bully a much-needed lesson. Jessie would think twice before harassing anyone else.
Guilt sparked to life within Kendra’s mind. She’d done more than stop Jessie’s harassment. She’d lost control of her emotions and used her training to punish a weaker person.
“Yes,” she admitted, feeling regret for the first time since encountering Jessie in the hallway. “I was provoked by a bully, but I took things too far and became a bully myself.”
“Yes, you did.” He moved to her side, remaining in her peripheral vision. “Were there other ways to deal with the situation?” He swung the flogger, fanning out the falls across her entire bottom.
She cried out as dozens of stinging sparks ignited all over her cheeks. “I could have ignored her.”
He swung again and the individual sparks melded into a solid eruption of pain. “But she grabbed your arm.” He played devil’s advocate, tossing her own arguments back at her.
“I didn’t try hard enough to elude her,” Kendra admitted, instinctively twisting away. “I wanted her to keep at it so I’d seem justified in hurting her.”
The flogger slapped against her ass over and over. Each swat brought a bright burst of pain followed by a creeping heat that sank deeper and deeper.
“Why did you want to hurt her?” He brought the flogger up, catching the lower curve of her cheeks, one side and then the other.
Kendra cried out, rocking onto her toes to escape the fiery sting. “She’s a galaxy class bitch who torments everyone.”
He ran his hand down her back then across her stinging bottom. Heat flared and a familiar ache erupted between her thighs.
“Do you honestly think I’m unaware of her abuse toward others?”
He squeezed her cheeks cruelly, dragging an abrupt scream from her throat.
“You knew. Of course, you knew.”
His fingers released, but he didn’t move his hand. “Do you doubt the mentors’ ability to curtail her behavior?”
Kendra wiggled, not sure if she wanted him to squeeze her ass again or take his hand away. “No one has so far. She’s just as hateful as the day we arrived.”
“Is that so?” He moved in front of her and swatted her breasts with the flogger, focusing on one side and then the other. The slaps were much lighter than he’d used on her ass, but it still stung like fire. “Before today, when was the last time you interacted with Jessie?”
Kendra tensed. She honestly couldn’t remember. “I haven’t been interacting with any of the other conduits since my powers were unleashed.”
“Then how do you know if her attitude improved or not?” He carefully flogged her breasts until her skin was pink and her nipples were tightly beaded. He paused and cupped one punished mound, teasing her nipple with the pad of his thumb.
Prickly sensations made Kendra moan and wiggle. Waves of intense sensation had her teetering on the brink of an orgasm.
“Stand still.” Zevon pinched her nipple harshly, twisting the tender flesh until she cried out. “Good girls accept their punishment and submit to their masters.”
“Yes, Master.” She centered her weight over her feet and stopped moving.