Page 10 of Capricorn Blessed
“Rubbing your eyes won’t help. I am a reincarnation of Capricorn. The time is coming when you will have to step up and begin fulfilling your destiny. You were born to do more incredible things than you can imagine.
“In the Dark Ages, we, the Zodiacs, gifted some of our magic to earthlings. We wanted to make the world a better place. A happier place. To bring them out of that time. But it didn’t take long for them to take advantage of the gifts. They got greedy. Taking more than their share.
“A tear opened in the universe. Stars are disappearing. We tried to warn them, but they didn’t listen. We begged them to slow down on their use of magic. To no avail. We had to do something. We set a plan in motion for your destiny.
“Each Constellation picked a person who would come to Earth before it is too late. She would be blessed with powers from us to help mend the rift. When all twelve were on Earth, the plan would commence. You must find your four relics and bring them back to this place. Find the temple here and complete the ritual on Winter Solstice. The words will come to you. I created you for this.
“You will need to find a rapier. Your parents had you trained so you can defend yourself. The onyx jewelry. It will ground you and help you focus on your journey. The lead goblet. It is connected to the earth and gives you strength. And the combs lined with pearls. They connect us to the water and to the land. You need the serenity and force of the ocean to finish this mission.
“But beware! The Council doesn’t want you to succeed. They will stand against you at every turn. They will turn the masses against you. They will hire hit men to try to stop you. Be wary of who you trust.
“Your mates will be true and will help you on your journey. There is also a resistance. They know the truth and want you to succeed. They can be a valuable asset to help you on your journey. The council knows about and is hunting the resistance. Don’t put it past them to try a lure you in by faking being part of them.
“Trust your gut. Trust your mates. And look for my mark on the relics and the temple. I will be watching you from above.”
She fades out of view, disappearing as quickly as she had come. I reach out and gently run my hand through the wolf’s fur as the tiger chuffs quietly beside me.
As crazy as it sounds, it also feels right. My parents hinted I was something more when I was growing up. I guess now I know why. Glancing at the two shifters beside me, I wonder if I know these two already and if I’ll recognize them when our paths cross.
“Well, I guess we are in for a wild ride,” I say to them.
The tiger licks my hand, and the wolf lets out a huff.
Chapter 6
Facing My Destiny
I wake up in my bed, the dream still vivid in my mind as the chuff of the tiger fades slowly.
Walking out to the living room, I see Dennis in the kitchen pouring a mug of coffee while the smell of food fills the air.
“Hope you don’t mind that I started making breakfast.” He nods to the eggs on the stove. “And sorry for falling asleep on you last night. Guess I was more tired than I thought.”
I laugh and grab my mug. “No worries at all. It’s nice not to have to think about what to make and then end up leaving without food... Oh shit, that’s assuming there’s enough for me.” I sip my drink to stop the rambling and cut my eyes to Dennis.
“Of course, I made enough for you, too. I’m not a neanderthal.” He flips the eggs and starts opening cabinets.
“Plates are over there.” I point toward the cabinet on his left. He nods and pulls two down, splitting the eggs between both dishes. I grab forks and napkins and move to stand next to Dennis at the counter.
“These are incredible!” I moan on my first bite. “A sexy doctor who knows his way around a kitchen. How did I manage to get so lucky?”
He chuckles and brushes his hair off his forehead. “My mom was a single mother. She taught me early on how to cook for us in case she was stuck at work.”
We finish our meal in companionable silence. I clean up the kitchen when we’re done eating.
“So, random question, but did you have a strange dream last night?” I keep my back turned to him as I ask.
“Like a beautiful woman, who I can’t take my eyes off, agreeing to go on a date with me. Then rescuing a baby goat, going to a bar, and ending with mind-blowing sex? No, I don’t think that was a dream,” he answers. “At least I hope it wasn’t.”
I snort a laugh. “That wasn’t a dream,” I say. “But I meant more like wild animals in the woods and mysterious talking beings type thing?”
“I don’t remember anything like that, but I also don’t normally remember my dreams.” He shrugs and walks to the bathroom.
I finish the dishes and follow him, grabbing a brush and starting to get ready for my day at work.
“And with last night. Was that normal for you?” I ask.
“Which part?” he asks, using water to try to tame his hair.