Page 12 of Capricorn Blessed
We practice the transition until he seems bored.
“Ready to practice on the stairs?”
Sam nods and leads the way over to the mini-staircase. I smile, reminding him to take his time, watch where he’s placing his feet, and hold on to the rail. After a few times of going up and down, I shift my eyes to his mom, giving her some tips to watch for at home.
“Look, Mom, no hands!” he yells, lifting his arms up as he takes a step down. His foot slips off the step. He falls back toward the wooden stairs.
I don’t think. I throw my hands out toward him, trying to conjure enough air to cushion his head and keep it from hitting the corner. A stream of water shoots forward, soaking him from head to toe and not helping soften the blow at all.
“Sam!” his mom cries, scooping up the crying child. “What was that? Why did you soak my child?”
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to! I was trying to catch him with air. I don’t know what happened! I’ve been able to do that since I was young. It’s always worked!” I turn my hands over and look at my palms like the answer to what happened would appear there.
Mrs. Jones takes a few deep breaths to calm herself and show Sam how to calm down.
“I guess it’s that curse. We all knew it would come one day. Those Zodiacs are stealing all the magic. If we don’t do something soon, they will leave the rest of us with none, and they will try to control us all!”
I give a shallow nod and change the subject.
“Well, I think after all the excitement, we should call it a day. I’ll see you for our next appointment.” We walk to the lobby, Mrs. Jones continuing to blame the Zodiacs for wonky magic.
I make my way to the cafeteria, fix a tray, and plop down at an empty table.
I sigh and stir my food, not feeling like eating.
“Why so glum, sugar plum?” Dennis asks, sitting down across from me. “You know, Fried Chicken Day is the best day of the week in the cafeteria.” He smiles at me, picking up his fork and tearing in.
I force a half smile back. “I tried to save one of my patients from falling today during therapy, but I ended up shooting water at him. I haven’t lost control of my powers like that since I was a kid.”
He nods, finishing his bite. “I’ve heard about that. The Zodiacs have been stealing more and more magic for themselves, right? That’s probably what happened.” He reaches out and pats my hand.
“That’s what they say, but I don’t think they are right,” I answer.
“Why would the Council lie?” he asks. “Aren’t they like the leaders of all supernatural?”
I nod. “They are, but I don’t think they are telling the whole truth. Magic is getting wonky and seems to be getting weaker, but I don’t think it is the Zodiacs doing it.”
“Why not?” he asks.
I drop my voice to barely a whisper and lean across the table. I’m choosing to trust him with my biggest secret since I’m choosing to accept him as my mate.
“Because I’m a Zodiac,” I answer him. “And I’m not trying to take any extra power. I just want to keep what’s mine.” I look at Dennis’s face and see his eyes look ready to pop out of his head. “But this isn’t the place to have this conversation. I need to go to Mystic Treasure and see Izzy. Care to walk with me?”
He nods and grabs both our trays, taking them to the return line before meeting me at the exit. We silently walk back through the hospital, only pausing to grab our things before exiting onto the busy street.
“So about this—“
“Not here,” I interrupt. “Too many people. Izzy’s shop will be more isolated. And I need to tell her what’s going on, too.”
He nods again, doing pretty well to take it all in stride.
The bell jingles as I push open the door.
“Welcome to Mystic Treasure! I’ll be with you in a moment if you need help!” I hear Izzy call from somewhere in the back.
“It’s me, Iz!” I yell back.
“Sierra,” she answers, coming closer, “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” She rounds the corner to join Dennis and me at the counter.